Posting memes for 20 years isn’t being a liberal warrior? Greta sailed across the ocean, others at political & policy orgs. billionaires won’t be stopped by celebrity influencers, it’s been 20 years of keyboards. #GetABrain #NFTisAScrreenshot✌️
This is everything wrong with a social media culture and our pathetic behavior is responsible…scrolling & clicking all day . We empower billionaires to control speech, politics, policy. Go do something real #BeALiberal #LeaveTwitter #GetABrain
#getabrain #leavetwitter #bealiberal
Liking a meme will NEVER stop inequality & inequity, ever. In fact, most of who you see and what you see on social media are for profit. #GetABrain #GetInvolved
If you’re a liberal or moderate centrist, don’t support this fascist. Wtf USA , this is so disturbing. Any liberal not planning to leave Twitter, you are PAYING MAGA. #GetABrain