There was a big campaign to stop plastic tat toys being given away with kids meals at McDonalds and with kids comics. When does the campaign to stop plastic tat for corporate promotions start? No one needs another shitey pen or keyring. No one wants a nylon neck warmer or hat. And forget the novelty stress relievers and cheap branded thermal mugs . #BanTheTatt #plastic #GetAGrip
#getagrip #plastic #banthetatt
„Get a grip!“ 😁
#livepic #concertphotography #jbolive #jbokonzert #vitoc #vitoconstage #gibsonflyingv #gibsonflyingv90double #gibsonflyingv90 #gibsonv90 #gibsonv90double #longhair #langehaare #bart #beard #drama #getagrip
#livepic #concertphotography #jbolive #jbokonzert #vitoc #vitoconstage #gibsonflyingv #gibsonflyingv90double #gibsonflyingv90 #gibsonv90 #gibsonv90double #longhair #langehaare #bart #beard #drama #getagrip
Os Aerosmith lançaram o álbum Get A Grip há 30 anos, no dia 20 de Abril de 1993.
#Aerosmith #GetAGrip
A fuerza de baladas #GetAGrip, publicado hace 30 años, se convirtió en el disco más exitoso de la extensa carrera de #Aerosmith. Teniendo en cuenta el contexto del grunge, en esos momentos en la cresta de la ola, recibió muchas críticas por abandonar el hard rock y el blues de los 70` además de contar con colaboración de escritores comerciales en la composición de algunas canciones. Sin embargo, y parafernalia MTV mediante con Alicia Silverstone y Liv Tyler como carnada, le sirvió a la banda para mucho más que sobrevivir a pesar del ocaso creativo.
#getagrip #Aerosmith #EfemeridesRock
A fuerza de baladas #GetAGrip, publicado hace 30 años, se convirtió en el disco más exitoso de la extensa carrera de #Aerosmith. Teniendo en cuenta el contexto del grunge, en esos momentos en la cresta de la ola, recibió muchas críticas por abandonar el hard rock y el blues de los 70` además de contar con colaboración de escritores comerciales en la composición de algunas canciones. Sin embargo, y parafernalia MTV mediante con Alicia Silverstone y Liv Tyler como carnada, le sirvió a la banda para mucho más que sobrevivir a pesar del ocaso creativo.
#getagrip #Aerosmith #EfemeridesRock
This is what I (don't) call getting your priorities straight. From an article by Stuart Heritage in the Guardian on Rachel McAdams:
"... it is genuinely impossible to imagine what the entire world would be like had Rachel McAdams not played Annie in Game Night."
The ENTIRE world?!?? #FFS #GetAGrip #RealityCheck #Film
#film #realitycheck #getagrip #ffs
So. Letzter Bürokaffee vorm Feierabend.
Dann im Fitness-Studio die neuen Handschuhe ausprobieren #GetAGrip
Still torn with indecision, much like i was from Day 1 of my #Fosstodon-in-browser experience.
Shall i use:
- Fosstodon's own Dark theme?
- Dark Reader on
- Stylus with my own CSS on
- Combinations?
So far, each is imperfect, ergo, i still periodically change from one to next, to next, to...
#FirstWorldProblems #GetAGrip #TotalPerspectiveVortex #FairyCake #YouAreHere
#fosstodon #firstworldproblems #getagrip #totalperspectivevortex #fairycake #youarehere
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but ivory is what a LIVING elephant’s tusks are made of, no murder implied. #getagrip
Last night, I quite innocently and as politely as possible expelled a tiny bit (IMHO) of gas. My judgy #dog ran off the bed in a high state of indignation. This morning on our walk, he's eating poop off the ground but, oh, *I'M* the gross one! #GetAGrip, #DogsOfMastodon
#dog #getagrip #dogsofmastodon
Just because I play a game it doesn't mean I hate the Trans community. Get a grip. It's just a game. #fyp #foryou #foryourpage #citizenprayer #hogwarts #jkrowling #trans #getagrip #growup #chill #sadviolin
#fyp #foryou #foryourpage #citizenprayer #Hogwarts #jkrowling #trans #getagrip #growup #chill #sadviolin
Logged on to noagendasocial... Where's all the facist and facist-adjacent content? I can't find it. Anyone got a link? #facist #facistadjadjacent #whatthewoke #ffs #getagrip #leftsnowflakes
#facist #facistadjadjacent #whatthewoke #ffs #getagrip #leftsnowflakes
"... they believe (though it's likely a delusion) that with enough money and enough power, they and their descendants will be able to survive and even thrive in the 3°C to 5°C world of the future."
I disagree B&C. I'm sure they can, and will, and are actively planning exactly how to both take and keep everything, AND survive the warmer world in air-conditioned luxury. Super-yachts float.
I haven't seen a single practical proposal in the literature, here on Mastodon, from Greta Thunberg or Vandana Shiva or Carl Sagan or Jason Hickel or Kate Raworth, or anywhere or anyone else, that anything can be done about it. Hickel & Kallis' policy proposals come closest. Everyone re-states the data or the problem or describes their preferred Utopian future. Nobody says how to accomplish the transition, and in time. So I offer one...
Start the GetAGrip political party in your community and country. Put detailed practical proposals in your manifesto to fix corporate power, wealth and income inequality, provide for and defend universal human rights, ensure a fair start for every child, and to protect and restore our environment. Then campaign for members and votes until you win power or die.
#getagrip #inequality #anticapitalism #ClimateCrisis #EatTheRich
Correct Greta.
And... while that continues and ecosystems collapse, the merchant banks advise the elite how to minimize tax, accumulate wealth, prepare their security to survive the "Wars of the 3bn Refugees" in comfort, whilst profitably managing the population decline.
Why wouldn't they? It's only rational for the greedy and heartless.
#GretaThunberg #ClimateEmergency #Greenwashing
#getagrip #gretathunberg #ClimateEmergency #greenwashing #anticapitalism
POV: you’ve been kidnapped and forced into sex work on camera. Then you learn the man responsible has been welcomed back to Twitter where he can influence the countless young minds who follow him.
And then you learn that this is *still* not enough for most people to walk away from, Twitter.
A simple app.
#priorities #getagrip #ditchthebird
& endlessly re-post the data, or hand-wave about "it's urgent we do something"'' @pampa
"The greedy & cynical are winning, every day, & of course they don't care"
The climate wreckers are literally psychopathic
& eugenicist
& fascist
AT THE VERY LEAST we must TRY to stop them by:
a) spreading (boosting) info about their fascism
b) advocating boycotts
Handwaving never won against a single fascist
#auspol #ukpol #uspol #cdnpoli #getagrip
& endlessly re-post the data, or hand-wave about "it's urgent we do something"'' @pampa
"The greedy & cynical are winning, every day, & of course they don't care"
The climate wreckers are literally psychopathic
& eugenicist
& fascist
AT THE VERY LEAST we must TRY to stop them by:
a) spreading (boosting) info about their fascism
b) advocating boycotts
Handwaving never won against a single fascist
#auspol #ukpol #uspol #cdnpoli #getagrip
& endlessly re-post the data, or hand-wave about "it's urgent we do something"''
"The greedy and cynical are winning, every day, and of course they don't care"
YES, ffs
The climate wreckers are literally psychopathic
& eugenicist
& fascist
AT THE VERY LEAST we must TRY to stop them by:
a) spreading (boosting) info about their fascism
b) advocating boycotts
Handwaving never won against a single fascist
#auspol #ukpol #uspol #cdnpoli #getagrip
& endlessly re-post the data, or hand-wave about "it's urgent we do something"'' @pampa
"The greedy & cynical are winning, every day, & of course they don't care"
The climate wreckers are literally psychopathic
& eugenicist
& fascist
AT THE VERY LEAST we must TRY to stop them by:
a) spreading (boosting) info about their fascism
b) advocating boycotts
Handwaving never won against a single fascist
#auspol #ukpol #uspol #cdnpoli #getagrip