"Laughing at an antisemitic joke is pretty much the definition of normalisation. &normalisation is the Petri dish in which the virus of #racial and #religious hatred grows, which it inevitably does". Me: Also laughing with #WhiteFolks who mimic another culture's voice like its funny. I'm that person who shuts this stuff down pronto--which we all can do. #Equality #Democracy @Guardian #FrancinePenrose #AntiSemitism #Racism #Sexism #BlackMastodon #BLM #GetAGripWhiteFolks
😍 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/dec/02/trump-dinner-antisemites-nick-fuentes-kanye-west
#racial #religious #whitefolks #equality #democracy #francinepenrose #antisemitism #racism #sexism #blackmastodon #blm #getagripwhitefolks