IT-Sicherheitslösungen "Made in Germany" – dafür steht die #Bundesdruckerei-Gruppe.
Auf dem #rp23 Messestand und bei #GetaJob! lernt ihr unseren #Partner persönlich kennen – und alle können „IT-Security-Hero“ werden: #CASH #PARTNER
#bundesdruckerei #rp23 #getajob #partner #cash
Triff die Expert*innen von @flipped_job am #GetAJob!-Stand sowie in Sessions zu Jobsuche, Recruiting & Gehaltsverhandlungen!
Beraten, inspirieren, vernetzen: Besucht den Netzwerkabend, der zufälligen Begegnungen auf die Sprünge hilft!
Triff die Expert*innen von #flippedjobmarket am #GetAJob!-Stand sowie in Sessions zu Jobsuche, Recruiting & Gehaltsverhandlungen!
Beraten, inspirieren, vernetzen: Besucht den Netzwerkabend, der zufälligen Begegnungen auf die Sprünge hilft! #CASH #PARTNER
#flippedjobmarket #getajob #cash #partner
It’s all about the money? #Getajob
Auch in diesem Jahr laden wir euch auf der #rp23 wieder dazu ein, innovative Arbeitgeber*innen kennenzulernen und eure beruflichen Perspektiven in der Digitalbranche zu erweitern.
CC @bundesbank @bmf
(2/2) There are people in the #fediverse just like me who still do not know how to use this #platform & if you can not handle the fact that there are #TechnologicallyChallengedPeople here, maybe you should #DeleteMastodon, and #GoMakeRealFriends, or better yet #GetAJob flipping #burgers. Can you say, #DoYouWantFriesWithThat?
#fediverse #platform #technologicallychallengedpeople #deletemastodon #gomakerealfriends #getajob #burgers #doyouwantfrieswiththat
I have a #request for #all #mastodon #users. #PLEASE #be #nice #to #others #who #are #trying #to #learn #how #to #use #the #Mastodonplatform. Do not expect #newusers to #learnnewthings on the #first #day. Also, #do #not #assume that #people know how to work this #confusing #thing! If you keep on being #mean #and #nasty like this, I would #recommend that you #deletemastodon and #getajob! #PeopleAreSoFuckingRude #GetALife #WouldYouLikeFriesWithThat
#wouldyoulikefrieswiththat #getalife #peoplearesofuckingrude #getajob #deletemastodon #recommend #nasty #and #mean #Thing #confusing #people #assume #not #do #day #first #learnnewthings #newusers #mastodonplatform #the #use #how #learn #trying #are #WHO #others #to #Nice #be #please #users #Mastodon #all #request
In the wise words of one U. Utah Phillips:
There I am in Spookaloo, city of magic, city of light, ensconced upon my front porch in broad daylight, long about noon, my rising time.
Drinking something of a potable beverage, playing my guitar. Long after everybody else in my neighborhood has packed up their lunchbox and gone off down to Kaiser Aluminum to put in their shift.
This enrages my neighbors.
One in particular, across the road, a little retired banker fellow. Been known to cannonball his rotundity across the road and stand there and publicly berate me for my sloth and indolence.
“Why don’t you get a job?” he says.
Now, me, being hip to the Socratic method, fires back a question, “Why?”
“Why,” he says, taking it back. “If you had a job, you can make 3, 4, 5 dollars an hour.”
I says, “Why?” pursuing the same tack.
He says. “Hell, you make 3, 4, 5 dollars and hour you can have a savings account and save up some of that money.”
I said, “Why?”
He said, “Well, you save up enough of that money young feller, pretty soon you’ll never have to work another day in your life.”
I said. “Hell, that’s what I’m doing right now!”
#music #PoliticalMusic #Work #Leisure #GetAJob #Labor #UtahPhillips
#Music #politicalmusic #work #leisure #getajob #labor #UtahPhillips
Suppose Harry should GET a Job now...than writing books. I wouldn't give a penny for the book.
#Harry #book #getajob #justsaying
#harry #book #getajob #justsaying
#getajob #cantgetajob #TechTools #TechTipOfTheDay #thunderbirds #blundernerd #areyouthere #weneedyourresume #resume
'Blundernerd None'
#resume #weneedyourresume #areyouthere #blundernerd #thunderbirds #techtipoftheday #techtools #cantgetajob #getajob
@THORp Maybe look for an entry level Security Operations gig at an MSSP. Deepwatch is an example firm. Mandiant and Secureworks are others. I think of it as the "Helpdesk" equivalent in cybersecurity. Once you're in at a place like one of those, after you get your feet wet it's usually pretty easy to move. (Mind you, you'll be competing with others, etc.) #blueteam #getajob ;P #career