Yes!!this the books I love!news,newspapers,MTV, CTM,hell of them all,they're just stupid fake rags,nobody read&trust anymore that's;maybe if break room tv is broken,or locked out of candy crush,or internet connection is off,news doesn't care about "people"anymore,if demonize,split or create hate,they're just lost on"big ideas"so I will spread my legs for anyone who will write a story about me! #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackoutback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos #boyee
#holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackoutback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos #boyee
I just following in love on RuPaul dragrace Sweden,will become a time when will celebrate the last heterosexual marriage;yes,can be so true #holdhands #nemesi #getaleash #quack #bringbackoutback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos #boyee #pocketorsomejunk
#holdhands #nemesi #getaleash #quack #bringbackoutback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos #boyee #pocketorsomejunk
There's something wrong with our souls &for this reason,I am not just gonna stand back &let our house become Time square,New York City!so all together,with kids,we go to church celebrate Long Friday with pray #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos #happyeaster
#gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos #happyeaster
The new King of Great Britain/England/United kingdom speak today in the Bundesrepublik aus Deutschland parliament for 45 minutes when did Madonna and Rosie O'Donnell begin being friends?! #bakerstreet #wifebeater #playgrabasdwithfreaks #paythepiper #flavwithnachos #warbyparker #bringbackourback #chillsesh #quack #getaleash #holdhands #Nemesis
#bakerstreet #wifebeater #playgrabasdwithfreaks #paythepiper #flavwithnachos #warbyparker #bringbackourback #chillsesh #quack #getaleash #holdhands #Nemesis
I love politics, speaking about politics is just about relationships; responsibility is personal,that's why when,I or somebody else ask a question that's too political,they say "it's not your responsibility"politicians are good! #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slumming #gossipcolumn #nemesis #holdhands #getaleash
#bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slumming #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash
At work,I have a great job,green week? michelle visage is gonna hate me for green...but tomorrow is gonna be just like today,&I know that,because today is just like yesterday, sometimes it's just kind of hard to find those moments of beauty,I love every single day! #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos
#gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos
Happy time in the kitchen,kidzz cooking organic fresh fairtade support local farmers market #pipedown #outofthepitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullestain #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos
#pipedown #outofthepitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullestain #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos
Scandinavia want to reopen a old weapons factory in danmark together with sister Norway & brother Sweden,I'm not gonna throw shade on this project,because I'm scare,because all this reminded me of when nations around the world have 6;like all the nations try hard&everybody laughed,but it just missed the mark,of funk;this 6 was happens after Homo erectus,but it's a project,nothing good will happen #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos
#Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos
Awesome time with my gilz let's play,happy time #bakerstreet #wifebeater #playgrabasdwithfreaks #paythepiper #homeboy #fieldchalk #bottomofthetotempeople #sombodycallshonda #absentmindednuttypers #wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #WarbyPartner
#bakerstreet #wifebeater #playgrabasdwithfreaks #paythepiper #homeboy #fieldchalk #bottomofthetotempeople #sombodycallshonda #absentmindednuttypers #wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbypartner
(2)can release,a war can begin,an asteroid could hit;but after all this,nobody want to be the schmuckel who apologize just before the world could ends!so nominate,election, campaign,is demonize the sistem;let's begin #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback
#oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback
Good God!she say I have "right"to complain?!?but I don't want to complain!here in #masterdong or in other platforms #twitter, #facebook #tumbler or good God #parler #parley this! whatever is it,is not what"change"looks like!to be"fugitive"is not a success!yes,maybe we are"regular"people demanding action,other platforms say we're in over our heads,here will be under our head?but girl!I appreciate you flowing,dress like Barbara Bush...go lucky #getaleash
#masterdong #twitter #facebook #tumbler #parler #parley #getaleash
Good God!she say I have "right"to complain?!?but I don't want to complain!here in #masterdong or in other platforms #twitter, #facebook #tumbler or good God #parler #parley this! whatever is it,is not what"change"looks like!to be"fugitive"is not a success!yes,maybe we are"regular"people demanding action,other platforms say we're in over our heads,here will be under our head?but girl!I appreciate you flowing,dress like Barbara Bush...go lucky #getaleash
#masterdong #twitter #facebook #tumbler #parler #parley #getaleash
The journalist want to know the truth of life,how can I find the truth,when a simple dj party in Ibiza,eat in Monaco,sleep in Quatar,a blogger on YouTube earn $10million and a porn start earn 2-3 castle?!? nepotism work, journalists is a waist of time #getaleash
I don't understand why we talk about love in the world,when we grow up sleeping through countryfight and revolution and activist are screwing our brains for right and everything just don't stop it up,it's just goes on and on and on and on,yes,I know,this could be annoying #getaleash
I don't understand why we talk about love in the world,when we grow up sleeping through countryfight and revolution and activist are screwing our brains for right and everything just don't stop it up,it's just goes on and on and on and on,yes,I know,this could be annoying #getaleash