As well as being a Champion, #GetaMitrea is also an #RDA / #EOSCfuture Domain Ambassador with our @allysonlister, and has co-authored our next factsheet, **FAIRsharing for you: developers and curators**
Do you maintain or curate a database, standard or policy? We've got you covered with this factsheet!
@lnanderscience @kylecopas @neuropelletier @msandstr @GenevievMichaud @stephenserjeant
`Stefan cel Mare` University of Suceava have launched a survey on perception of advantages and disadvantages of #OpenAccess opportunities using #FAIRprinciples
Please have your say and let #GetaMitrea (#RDAeurope #RDA #EOSCfuture Domain Ambassador) and her team know what you like and don't like about #OpenAccess opportunities and how they relate to #FAIR via this form:
Deadline: 15.09.2023
#fair #EOSCFuture #rda #rdaeurope #getamitrea #FAIRprinciples #openaccess