Cliff Wade :novaLauncher: · @cliffwade
1327 followers · 4102 posts · Server

Today at the gym I focused completely on cardio for a full hour as you can see by the screenshot below.

For the first time in only doing the bike for a week, I went 10 miles. Yes, TEN MILES! That's a huge deal for me and it beats my previous record of 8 miles.

I also managed to get in almost 1 mile on the treadmill.

Since I'm really needing to lose a bit of weight, cardio seems to be the way for me to achieve this.

#gym #workout #myworkout #cliffsworkout #gethealthy

Last updated 2 years ago

Cliff Wade :novaLauncher: · @cliffwade
1327 followers · 4092 posts · Server

Good morning and happy Monday!

How are you today and what's on your agenda for the day and the week ahead?

For me, I'm heading to the gym in about 30 minutes and then will come home and just relax until this evening when I play some video games with friends!

#GoodMorning #morning #gym #workout #gethealthy

Last updated 2 years ago

Cliff Wade :novaLauncher: · @cliffwade
1229 followers · 3632 posts · Server

Today was the first day back in the gym after a week.

Only got to go one day last week due to the family stuff that was going on and is still going on.

Today was leg day and to be honest, I feel I did decently good.

I just have to keep at it and keep pushing forward.

#gym #workout #myworkout #cliffsworkout #legday #healthierlife #gethealthy

Last updated 2 years ago

DaddyDoug · @DaddyDoug
122 followers · 329 posts · Server

OK! Day has finally arrived. Four cardiology exams. No eating or drinking until they are done. I got this!

#gethealthy #takingcareofbusiness #hearttoheart

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris · @astoicpoet
5 followers · 55 posts · Server

I haven’t been to the in nearly 3 years when the started. Today is the 3rd day within a week. 

Over the past few months, my wife has been complaining about her weight gain (she never really lost the baby weight from when she was pregnant) since last year and that she wants to go to the gym but isn’t motivated. I told her I’d go with her. 

After today, I feel I’m back to my pre-pandemic run habit, and I’m feeling good

#gym #pandemic #applewatch #fitness #gethealthy #health

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris · @astoicpoet
5 followers · 55 posts · Server

I haven’t been to the in nearly 3 years when the started. Today is the 3rd day within a week. 

Over the past few months, my wife has been complaining about her weight gain (she never really lost the baby weight from when she was pregnant) since last year and that she wants to go to the gym but isn’t motivated. I told her I’d go with her. 

After today, I feel I’m back to my pre-pandemic run habit, and I’m feeling good

#gyn #pandemic #applewatch #fitness #gethealthy #health

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris · @astoicpoet
5 followers · 55 posts · Server

I haven’t been to the in nearly 3 years when the started. Today is the 3rd day within a week.

Over the past few months, my wife has been complaining about her weight gain (she never really lost the baby weight from when she was pregnant) since last year and that she wants to go to the gym but isn’t motivated. I told her I’d go with her.

After today, I feel I’m back to my pre-pandemic run habit, and I’m feeling good

#gyn #pandemic #applewatch #fitness #gethealthy #health

Last updated 2 years ago

Cliff Wade :novaLauncher: · @cliffwade
1206 followers · 3445 posts · Server

Here is today's workout. This was the end of our first full week at the gym and I have to say, I feel good. I feel like my big accomplishment was simply getting motivated to go 3 days out of the week and actually put in a decent workout.

I'm still a beginner, so these numbers will hopefully keep improving. But it's a start and it's something I plan to keep doing!

#myworkout #cliffsworkout #exercise #gym #gethealthy

Last updated 2 years ago

Yaffi Lvova · @yaffi
68 followers · 248 posts · Server

Here are some great New Year Resolutions of improved health is your goal this year:
- get enough sleep
- hydrate
- schedule time to be creative or quiet or whatever it is you need (no, actually schedule it)
- set appropriate boundaries to protect yourself
- be thankful about 5 new things each day
- start an herb garden
- learn how to cook with fresh herbs
- find your favorite neighborhood plant and take lots of pictures of it (my example below)

#AntiDiet #resolutions #gethealthy #Health

Last updated 2 years ago

Flora Fauna · @empress
48 followers · 119 posts · Server

Brushing your teeth after every meal is a great way to reduce . It actually cleans your teeth, better if you don’t use toothpaste. Get a probiotic tailored for your throat and gums. This will help protect against Covid.

#snacking #savemoney #loseweight #fasting #gethealthy #commonsense #triedandtrue

Last updated 2 years ago