Happy Duraniversary to The Power Station’s self-titled album. Released this week in 1985. #powerstation #somelikeithot #theheatison #getitonbangagong #getiton #communication #johntaylor #andytaylor #robertpalmer #tonythompson #bernardedwards #chic #duranduran #duraniversary
#powerstation #somelikeithot #theheatison #getitonbangagong #getiton #communication #johntaylor #andytaylor #robertpalmer #tonythompson #BernardEdwards #chic #duranduran #duraniversary
Single des Tages #TRex #GetItOn #1971 #singledestages #vinyl
#vinyl #singledestages #getiton #TRex
#Shoutout to all the #Shitposters
I love #Mastodon but if I could make one criticism, I’d say it is currently a little too earnest, a little too straight
(A shyte load better that all of the alternatives)
But still, a little earnest . . . slightly too sensible . . .
#Shitpost #LetItAllHangOut #BringIt #BringItOn #ImHereForIt #BeYourself #FireUp #GetItOn #BangAGong #etc
#shoutout #shitposters #mastodon #shitpost #letitallhangout #bringit #bringiton #imhereforit #beyourself #FireUp #getiton #bangagong #etc