Can I apply for my house to become a member state of the EU? lol
#stuckintexas #redstateermagherd #getmeouttahere
Today is the type of day where the risk of me running into the woods never to return is the highest.
#woods #witch #appalachian #getmeouttahere
I've just seen a picture of a man that I follow @fraying , but do not know, sitting in a barn, petting a goat which had its head resting on the man's leg, as they watched the rain falling outside, and I've honestly never felt more envy in my entire life.
Wonder if I can get a few thousand tonnes of KoFi donations to raise enough money with which to ditch England and emigrate to Canada?! It's the dream.
#wishfulthinking #ohcanada #kofi #getmeouttahere
When a douche-bro meets another douche-bro during a Zoom call. Ugh. #GetMeOuttaHere