Recently we have taken to blacklisting websites served by GriftHub by placing them into a category, 'M$G'.

Seriously, how did we not see this sooner!

#microsoft #msg #github #getoffgithub #stopcagemafia #cageMafia

Last updated 1 year ago


Do the fools have just the weekend to ? Haha

How about a new icon for . A with . Just change the colours to match the particular you are talking about.

#getoffgithub #dotcons #jackinthebox #daggers #dotcon #useallthecolours #useallthecolors #getemyoung

Last updated 1 year ago

Yes, we don't think bitcoin escapes the ideas of merit based capitalism, but in many ways that will be a departure from the last century's condition of , which has created such immense problems including but by not limited to toxic .

Nice to here you worked in this area. Would be great to learn more.

We think one necessary step is to .


#cronycapitalism #inequality #getoffgithub

Last updated 1 year ago