I found myself forced to exist among other humans today. The experience was awful.
From my as-limited-as-I-can-make-them observations, the participation-trophy generation, as a rule, have absolutely no humility. We have raised a large segment of the population to believe that PRIDE is a virtue, and that the proper way to interact with strangers is pretentiousness. The only way they know how to interact with other humans is through a lens of smug.
Growing up in middle school every kid took home ec, woodshop, and metal shop and we all left at least knowing how to break into shit. Also this was peak macguyver maybe it's time we had a reboot.
High school had carpentry, cooking, and auto shop classes.
And how crap is it that half of these new songs are under 3min long?
What happened to the good old days of 4min tracks? And occasional 7min monsters of a rock track.
Not convinced that the Charli XCX track _really_ samples Hey Mickey. It does a cover with new lyrics. That's only "sampling" in the way that "a picture of something" has become "a meme" even when it lacks all of the actual fundamentals of a meme!
@cami I hate digital dice... Just so wrong.
Same with digital character sheets.
I want real dice. I want paper and pencil.
Daily Dose of Anti-Corona Humor
#welcometomylife #getoffmylawn #yearsofthevariants #anticoronahumor
Daily Dose of Anti-Corona Humor
#snapcracklepop #getoffmylawn #yearsofthevariants #anticoronahumor
Daily Dose of Anti-Corona Humor
#rumblerumble #getoffmylawn #yearsofthevariants #anticoronahumor
@heidi um ... "back tap?" I have a hard enough time with "long press." (And don't get me started on that stupid double-tap-the-power-button-to-use-a-card-in-Wallet thing.) #ios #fogey #getoffmylawn
Dear every YouTuber ever: we have our own music playing locally already, thanks. Don’t need your muzak droning along with you (besides, you’re playing @ 2× speed, anyway). Here for information; you’re not entertaining. #grumble #getOffMyLawn
So I'm on Squirt.Org and I like to scroll thru their videos on occasion, and something is really starting to bother me.
What is with all the superfluous background noise? A hot guy jacking off with the sound of a TV in the background? Not hot. Some guy fucking a hot bottom while some irritating music plays? Boner killer. Maybe it's just me. #SquirtWebsite #GetOffMyLawn #BetterVideos
#squirtwebsite #getoffmylawn #bettervideos
On one hand, ebikes are really cool to let people experience bike paths they never could have experienced before. On the other hand, #getOffMyLawn
@thomasfuchs I always return to my first love (computer-wise anyway): the MOS 6502!
#retrocomputing #commodore #vic20 #oldschool #getoffmylawn
"yikers" went from 0-60 uses per day in my kid's online conversations this week – or possibly the last 3 days – and it's honestly driving me a little crazy. I'm old now.
@djl very! Not complaining in this case, but didn’t you used to have to have actual control of the ball when grounding it, to score a try? I don’t think that would have been good enough 20 years ago. #GetOffMyLawn
I miss the days when musicians sang their songs on stage with some smoke and lights and that was about it. There weren’t 50 dancers and eight outfit changes.
Why does everything have to be such a spectacle? Isn’t the music enough?
#oldpeopleofmastodon #getoffmylawn
It's weird.
From this distance, the younger generation just looks like little ants, and it's hard to tell what they're actually doing.
Busy fixing what my generation messed up, probably.
#OldMan #GetOffMyLawn #KidsTheseDays #MyAdultChildThoughtThisWasFunnyButSheIsVeryKind
#oldman #getoffmylawn #kidsthesedays #myadultchildthoughtthiswasfunnybutsheisverykind
I am personally offended by this retconning of history and gaslighting of our youth.
#forshame #getoffmylawn #webdevelopment