CQ CQ CQ - #GetOnTheAir -- Thanks to Mr. Matt Thayer KO4IYW for the heads-up on McMinn County Amateur Radio Club's 19th Annual #HamFest this Saturday in Athens, TN, at the Regional Park. Learn more about the hobby of #AmateurRadio from the people who know best why #AmateurRadioWorks... general admission $5, includes door prize ticket.
#getontheair #hamfest #amateurradio #amateurradioworks
#CQCQCQ #GetOnTheAir Calling all hams! Join us for a day of radio contacts to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Karl Jansky's announcement of his discovery of radio noise coming from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy." 4.29-30.23 @GreenBankObserv
#CQCQCQ #GetOnTheAir #AmateurRadioWorks
"“Before social media, there was #hamradio,” quipped Don. “It was the first social media.”"
#cqcqcq #getontheair #amateurradioworks #hamradio