Fat bottom girls
You make the rockin' world
Go 'round
Fat bottom girls
You make the rockin' world
Go 'round
Fat bottom girls
You make the rockin' world
Go 'round
Fat bottom girls
You make the rockin' world
Go 'round
Fat bottom girls
You make the rockin' world
Go 'round
Fat bottom girls
You make the rockin' world
Go 'round
Fat bottom girls
You make the rockin' world
Go 'round
Huh. You must be looking in the wrong places. I see plenty of thick girls floating about. (This is a good thing, IMO)
Fat bottom girls
You make the rockin' world
Go 'round
@iyalei Queen said it best:
Fat bottom girls
You make the rockin' world
Go 'round
Fat bottom girls
You make the rockin' world
Go 'round
oooo.... I need a nap...
#OldManProblems? #OldManDelights!
To sleep, perchance to dream...
Fat bottom girls
You make the rockin' world
Go 'round
#oldmanproblems #oldmandelights #getonyourbikesandride