Happy New Year! It’s been a good one in my little corner of the world. Nice beef roast, some good TV in from of the fire and a decent dog walk.
I’m not sure how I feel about resolutions - but this year I’m going to try to achieve better work/life balance, rest more and find time to do things I enjoy! Sometimes, I do work too hard and have been skirting the edges of burnout. #rest #balance #burnoutprevention #burnout #recuperation #nhs #worklifebalance #familyTime #walks #getoutmore
#rest #balance #burnoutprevention #burnout #recuperation #NHS #worklifebalance #familytime #walks #getoutmore
I just reunited odd socks lost to each other by bad laundry protocols in this house. I like to think they'll spend a while celebrating and catching up after months apart. Still one little straw-coloured sucker on his own though. I'm a bad sock daddy. #GetOutMore