you can "bookmark" it to your account, or just save a browser bookmark. But if you want to have an offline/permanent copy, I don't think any tools for that yet exist. At least neither #GetPocket (Mozilla) nor #ThreadReaderApp yet support Mastodon/ActivityPub.
@chowderman @t_mkdf
Det eneste mozilla pocket mangler for å bli mitt leseapp for ALT er RSS! Isteden for å måtte både ha pocket ooog en RSS leser.
Men jeg må si at pocket er en fantastisk måte å lese artikler uten å måte forholde deg til utdaterte stiler, og ha en skikkelig skarp og trivelig lese-opplevelse. Kjekt å kunne høre på artiklene gjennom appen også.
Men jeg kan også forstå at RSS bommer med folk flest sin bruk.
#getpocket #mozilla #NorskTut #allheimen #teknologi #mozillapocket
#getpocket #mozilla #Norsktut #allheimen #teknologi #mozillapocket
Sometimes I take notes when I work with an API. Maybe it could be helpful to someone.
So here's my write up about authorization flow in #Pocket (#GetPocket) API https://www.bitoff.org/pocket-api-auth/
Jeg har pt 3 apps installeret til #Mastodon og #Fediverse. Native Mastodon, som jeg synes, har det mest smidige UI. Fedilab, fordi den giver mig mulighed for at følge local og federated timelines Og ikke mindst muligheden for at dele links med #GetPocket og endelig Tusky, som er en fin kombi af disse, men som ikke kan dele links.
#mastodon #fediverse #getpocket
It would be amazing if my total count of to-read articles in #getpocket stopped to be monotonically increasing for multiple months already 🙈
Yikes, my #SocialMedia flow diagram is woefully out of date. It has been awhile since I updated it.
Here’s the latest (but not last) version with fresh numbers, but looking at it now, I see some problems.
While I still am connected to folks on work social media (the ones I maintain to share work resources through) like Linked In, #Facebook / #Instagram, #Twitter, sharing content once to many social media outlets is still difficult.
IFTTT and Twitter are still at the center of it all and it doesn’t play nice with Mastodon as far as I can tell. The Toot Bookmarklet with moa.party cross-poster has proven invaluable in cutting out #IFTTT and #GetPocket, but what I wish was a simple RSS feed to Mastodon, then Mastodon to #LinkedIn, #Facebook, etc.
Of course, this is cross-posting blasphemy on #Mastodon, but posting once and seeing it go everywhere else frees up time for more conversation while meeting people where they are, not where I think they SHOULD be.
Anyone else having fun with this kind of thing?
#socialmedia #mastodon #facebook #ifttt #getpocket #linkedin #instagram #twitter
@BinaryDigit I use https://getpocket.com
it was introduced by mozilla.
Not exactly a bookmarks sync service.
However as I only save links in pocket, it has an extension for all browsers, which is built in to firefox.
and I can access the website from any browser.
@craigmaloney Pocket is fucking annoying as fuck.
"It gets worse the more you use it"
#pocket #getpocket #ItGetsWorseTheMoreYouUseIt
@kelbot I've got an app on Android 10 which STILL cannot handle more than a single character of keyboard input at a time.
It literally loses focus with every keystroke.
A Pocket tip
I'd really like to be able to group posts by date filed. Pocket doesn't offer this.
I've long had a set of classification tags, typically ": ", which I use for certain purposes. (Tracking errors in Pocket's own render or presentation is a key one of these, also a few projects and stuff.)
So I've started adding a new set of tags:
As ISO-8601 is the One True Date, these look like, say, filed:2021-05-29
I'm thinking of adding aggregator tags of yyyy-mm and just yyyy as well.
It's a kludge, but perhaps a useful one. I really wish Pocket itself exposed this information.
Meantime I've thousands (yes) of undated filings, and a few days now of dated ones.
Oh, and multi-tag selection would be motherlovin' peachy as well.