CAW Writer's Conference, May 20, 9am-5pm, 32 Center Road SE, Cartersville, GA. Tickets at Silent Auction! Bfast & lunch! Speed presenters! Lauretta Hannon and Ann Hite speakers! Join us!
#writers #WritingCommunity #CAW #CartersvilleAreaWriters #authors #books #getpublished #writer #writersconference
#writers #WritingCommunity #CAW #cartersvilleareawriters #authors #books #getpublished #writer #writersconference
📢Invitation to #LoveLD ALDinHE community🌟Have you presented at an event? Turn your notes / slides into a blog post for #ALDinHE & #Take5. Share your work widely. It could also be the 1st step towards publishing in
@JLDHE . Email #GetWriting #GetPublished
#loveld #aldinhe #take5 #getwriting #getpublished
#IndieAuthorNews #BeInspired #FindingALiteraryAgent #FromtheMagazine #GetPublished #FYSA #FindaNonfictionAgent #FunnyYouShouldAsk
Funny You Should Ask: What to Ask Before Signing With a Literary Agent
Literary Agent Barbara Poelle gives advice about the kinds of questions to ask a literary agent before signing with them in this column from the Jan/Feb 2023 issue of Writer's...
#indieauthornews #beinspired #findingaliteraryagent #fromthemagazine #getpublished #fysa #findanonfictionagent #funnyyoushouldask
#IndieAuthorNews #freelancing #FreelanceWriting #FreelanceWriting #GetPublished #SellMyWork
The Basics of Jumping Into Freelance Writing
Freelance writer and award-winning author C. Hope Clark shares a comprehensive list of the basics of jumping into freelance writing, from finding gigs to managing expenses and...
#indieauthornews #freelancing #freelancewriting #getpublished #sellmywork
#IndieAuthorNews #MarketSpotlight #PoetryPublishing #SellMyWork #SpotlightMarket #GetPublished #BookPublishers
Broadstone Books: Market Spotlight
For this market spotlight, we look at Broadstone Books, an independent publisher that specializes in...
#indieauthornews #marketspotlight #poetrypublishing #sellmywork #spotlightmarket #getpublished #bookpublishers
#IndieAuthorNews #WriteBetterNonfiction #freelance #copywriting #FreelanceTips #FreelanceWriting #GetPublished #SellMyWork #freelancing #HowToGetStartedInCopywriting #Copywriter
How To Get Started in Copywriting
From writing and reading to majoring outside of journalism, copywriter and author Robert W. Bly shares how to get started in...
#indieauthornews #writebetternonfiction #freelance #copywriting #freelancetips #freelancewriting #getpublished #sellmywork #freelancing #howtogetstartedincopywriting #copywriter
#IndieAuthorNews #SellMyWork #BookPublishers #SpotlightMarket #GetPublished #MarketSpotlight
New Village Press: Market Spotlight
For this market spotlight, we look at New Village Press, a publisher focused exclusively on grassroots community...
#indieauthornews #sellmywork #bookpublishers #spotlightmarket #getpublished #marketspotlight
#IndieAuthorNews #freelancing #FreelanceTips #IncomeTaxManagementForAFreelancer #ManagingFreelance #BusinessofWriting #TaxTipsForFreelancers #IncomeTax #TaxHelp #GetPublished #freelance
Income Tax Management for a Freelancer
Being your own boss is a reality for many full-time writers, but being your own boss means tracking your income in a unique way. Here, C. Hope Clark discusses income tax management for a...
#indieauthornews #freelancing #freelancetips #incometaxmanagementforafreelancer #managingfreelance #businessofwriting #taxtipsforfreelancers #incometax #taxhelp #getpublished #freelance
#IndieAuthorNews #GetPublished #BuildMyPlatform #WritingHabitsandPractices #marketing #Marketing #marketingyourbook #CompTitles #genrefiction #BeInspired #genre
Writing Cross-Genre Fiction and Battling the Book Marketing Comp Title
Author Michael Kaufman discusses both the pros and cons of writing cross-genre fiction and how to navigate the murky waters of marketing cross-genre...
#indieauthornews #getpublished #buildmyplatform #writinghabitsandpractices #marketing #marketingyourbook #comptitles #genrefiction #beinspired #genre
#IndieAuthorNews #query #GetPublished #queryletter #querywriting #querying #HowToQuery #6StepsToGettingYourQueryLetterOutOfTheSlushPile #WriteMyQuery #successfulqueries
6 Steps to Getting Your Query Letter Out of the Slush Pile
From how long it should be to how long publishers spend reading it, author Aileen Weintraub shares six steps to getting your query letter out of the slush...
#indieauthornews #query #getpublished #queryletter #querywriting #querying #howtoquery #6stepstogettingyourqueryletteroutoftheslushpile #writemyquery #successfulqueries
To summarize, for myself and any others interested in participating in a #SmallWritingGroup focused on #SciFi #SciFiFantasy #writers #writing with a goal of being ready to #Publish or #GetPublished
The #hashtag #SmallWritingGroup should guide us to each other for helpful advice, support, and someone to say, did you #write today?
#smallwritinggroup #scifi #scififantasy #writers #writing #publish #getpublished #hashtag #write
#WritingCommunity seems an ideal use of a space like this. No matter where you are or when you are awake. Just a #SmallWritingGroup Not trying to become #viral or any other such unpleasant sounding thing. I'd rather just help each other focus on finishing our #writing projects or #edit our work or help think up new ways to #publish or #GetPublished
#writingcommunity #viral #writing #edit #publish #getpublished #smallwritinggroup