Oath Keepers founder sentenced to 18 years in Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy case https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/oath-keepers-founder-sentenced-18-years-jan-6-seditious-conspiracy-cas-rcna85852
#jan6th #oathkeepers #lol #getrekt
I wonder what all the central bankers are thinking when they see hundreds of based replies from Bitcoin maxis LMAO #getRekt
RT @Lagarde
The past year has challenged us more than we could have imagined. During this holiday period, I hope you will share moments of joy and celebration with your loved ones.
I wish you a happy start to 2023.
You realize pools are made up of thousands of individual miners, right? #getRekt
RT @tante
Fun fact: In the last few days just _two_ Mining pools had more than 50% hashrate on #Bitcoin.
Much decentralization.
Just in case you you nazi's need a reminder 🔥
RT @KarmaOneSixOne@twitter.com
Hey kids, let me tell you why it's a bad idea to behave extraordinarily poorly (horrific), on the internet.
Meet John Fitzpatrick Rokes Jr of Keene, NH, aka Spicci.
https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2022/04/13/spicci/ https://twitter.com/AnonCommieStan/status/1514310070049382406
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KarmaOneSixOne/status/1514343779402231818
@radicaldreamers It happens. I delivered an order to an Uber customer who thought the order didn’t go through. They said they ordered elsewhere and as we were sorting it out, another driver arrived with a mountain of munch.
As much empathy as I have, I tried to help sort it out, but time was ticking away and had to leave them to it.
Don’t you just love it when capitalism makes you lose your ethics? #getrekt
RT @NEEDcreations
"You will get dumped on while your coins are staked, and you will be happy."
#EthereumMerge #ETH #ETHMerge #Etherum #getrekt
#getrekt #etherum #ETHMerge #eth #EthereumMerge
Crazy Cat Lady Elaine is doing a very angry cross-exam of Dr. Muffins. #getrekt #amberturd