Someone in #Italy will probably make a fortune from the Blue Crab emergency. While these invasive wee beasties sell for a mere €6 a kilo in Italy's supermarkets, in American and Asia, they go for as much as €80 a kilo! Maybe Italy could extinguish it's national debt?! #getrichquick #business
#business #getrichquick #Italy
#bing could be the best search engine in the world but I'm not going to use any site that throws as many #getrichquick promos and ads in my face at every opportunity. It looks like the worst days of #AOL now.
Even cooler: @davidgerard did the voiceover for this video with his calm, British voice.
If you ever need to show an explanation of why #GetRichQuick doesn't work, both in general and specially in #Cryptocurrency, have this video handy. It's also compatible with Generation YouTube, and—under parental guidance (due to the required 90s attention span)—with Generations #Instagram and #TikTok.
#getrichquick #cryptocurrency #instagram #tiktok
Recipe for getting rich quick yourself (not necessarily in that order):
1️⃣ Tell everyone *they* can #GetRichQuick; safely, easily
2️⃣ Sell someone else's products without reimbursing them
3️⃣ Freely intermingle customer money with yours, making it easy to spend theirs as well
4️⃣ Randomly move finances around between as many companies as possible
5️⃣ Operate in shady legal zones (but have the audacity to tell regulators to regulate)
6️⃣ Be ruthless
#Cryptocurrency #NFT #securities
#getrichquick #cryptocurrency #NFT #securities
Hey you mortals, got a sizzling stock tip for ya! 🔥Invest in Infernal Industries, it's blowing up like never before! I can guarantee exponential growth in the coming days😉 Trust me, you won't want to miss this opportunity! 😈 #GetRichQuick #BuyLowSellHigh #WickedProfits #PrinceOfWallStreet #BitBook
#getrichquick #buylowsellhigh #wickedprofits #princeofwallstreet #bitbook
@ben @Edent It was more entertaining than a Rick Roll! I was mostly assuming it was Terence's premium number as part of a #GetRichQuick scheme ;-)
Investing in the railroads of Great Britain in the 19th century question was the #GetRichQuick scheme of the time. Was it similar to the tulip bubble in the Netherlands of the 17th century? Railroads are tangible, functional and a technological advancement, very different from tulips. This period is called the #RailwayMania. Just because we know history does not mean we can avoid repeating it. #CognitiveBias #CriticalThinking
#getrichquick #railwaymania #cognitivebias #criticalthinking
@iandunt And still they come. Must be the intoxication and enshitification (h/t @pluralistic) of high office. #GetRichQuick
I don’t know about y’all, but if I lost money every year, I’d be in massive debt. Math is not my forte, but I’m pretty sure that’s how it works for most normal people. How does Trump continue to lose money on everything he does and still maintain a wealthy lifestyle? Is he just burning through principle, or does he only lose other people’s money, and never his own?
Maybe I could make some trading cards.
#getrichquick #randomthoughts #trumpstaxes
Quick thought about the crypto fad/con... at least with tulip bulb speculation you got a tulip bulb. #crypto #getrichquick #oneborneveryminute
#oneborneveryminute #getrichquick #crypto
It's #GetRichQuick vs #GetRichSustainably and quick tends to win these
#getrichquick #getrichsustainably
#funnymemes #moneymakingtips #getrichquick #putthemoneyinthebag
#funnymemes #moneymakingtips #getrichquick #putthemoneyinthebag
June 20 2018: Yvette Carnell out here snatching Jay Morrison's wig. 🔥
#getrichquick #jaymorrison #tulsarealestatefund #trefund
June 20 2018: Yall. Antonio Moore called in: "We just think we're chocolate-covered white people..." 😂👏
#jaymorrison #getrichquick #tulsarealestatefund #trefund
A walking shambles.🤷🏿♀️ Yall were his "new hustle".🤷🏿♀️ #JayMorrison
#TulsaRealEstateFund #TREFund #getrichquick
#jaymorrison #tulsarealestatefund #trefund #getrichquick
Invest in property,
Enjoy asset #inflation,
Get rich quick.
Burn in hell.
#speculation #getRichQuick #assetInflation #whyBitcoinCore #moneyPrinterGoDrr #bitcoinFixesThis
#inflation #speculation #getrichquick #assetinflation #whyBitcoinCore #moneyPrinterGoDrr #bitcoinfixesthis