Actress #GayleHunnicutt has died at 80. Hunnicutt may be best known for her role as Vanessa Beaumont on the final three seasons of #Dallas but she had a 30 year career starting with a small role on the series #MisterRoberts. Other TV credits include #TheBeverlyHillbillies, #GetSmart, #LoveAmericanStyle, #TheMartianChronicles, #TheLoveBoat, #Taxi, #FantasyIsland, and #TalesFromTheCrypt. Movies include #TheWildAngels, #EyeOfTheCat, #Marlowe, #TheLegendOfHellHouse, and #TheSpiralStaircase. #RIP
#gaylehunnicutt #dallas #misterroberts #thebeverlyhillbillies #getsmart #loveamericanstyle #themartianchronicles #theloveboat #taxi #fantasyisland #talesfromthecrypt #thewildangels #eyeofthecat #marlowe #thelegendofhellhouse #thespiralstaircase #rip
#GetSmart 028 (1966) - 7/10
Guest star: #HaroldJStone (#MyWorldAndWelcomeToIt).
1️⃣ 2nd part of 2-parter doesn't lose momentum. Much mileage got from the various suspects all making the same unique sound when they move.
2️⃣ Many good gags. Best gag: Max struggling/failing with a deckchair in background, while 99 casually chats to Chief on phone. They switch positions; 99 instantly gets the chair set-up. Very funny.
#getsmart #haroldjstone #myworldandwelcometoit #60stv #comedy
#WouldYouBelieve… I Was Today Year’s Old when I learned that comic actor #DonAdams (#GetSmart 1965–‘70, ‘95) was ALSO #InspectorGadget (1983-‘99).
I watched both shows as a kid and thought the resemblance was a coincidence.
Oh, and before all that, from 1963-‘66, Adams was Tennessee Tuxedo!
#ClassicTV #Animation #MelBrooks #SpyShows
#spyshows #melbrooks #animation #classictv #inspectorgadget #getsmart #donadams #wouldyoubelieve
#GetSmart 027 (1966) - 7/10
1️⃣ Plenty of use for the recurring characters, Agent 44 and Professor Parker. Each getting lengthy scenes.
2️⃣ Most of the action takes place on board a ship at sea, which is well shot. Fog, etc.
3️⃣ Lots and lots of jokes. Not just from Max being stupid, though there is a lot of that. Instead, all of the characters are wonderfully absurd. Even those who are about to die are given plenty of gags.
4️⃣ This is a prime example of a show that has found its tone.
#GetSmart 026 (1966) - 6/10
1️⃣ Story-driven entry, with some decent prop gags and plenty of chuckles being generated by repetition.
2️⃣ Guests include #BertFreed (the first actor to play #Columbo).
3️⃣ As with episode 24, the Chief is out in the field with Max and that leads to ample opportunity for comedy.
4️⃣ Agent 99 enters the story late, but she's the one who solves the mystery and gets the drop on the bad guys.
#getsmart #bertfreed #Columbo #60stv #comedy
#GetSmart 025 (1966) - 5/10
Unfunny guest character.
1️⃣ The pre-credits sequences is fantastic. No dialogue, but plenty of story and great gags.
2️⃣ Too much screentime is devoted to #JoeyForman as a character spoofing Charlie Chan. But he’s not funny. Just stupid. The genius of #DonAdams is that he makes Smart funny while being stupid. This guy is just annoying. He was given so much to do that I began to wonder if this was a backdoor pilot.
#getsmart #joeyforman #donadams
#GetSmart 024 (1966) - 8/10
1️⃣ Plenty of laughs in this one. The various situations (traffic cop, airport security, KAOS cabin) are used to great effect. Max is even shown to be a (fairly) competent agent at one point! Both 99 and Chief are out in the field with him for the whole mission. Not much reliance on catchphrases, but plenty of good physical comedy.
2️⃣ #TedKnight (#TheMaryTylerMooreShow) guests as the main baddie, and #MiltonSelzer (#TheFamousTeddyZ) is back once again as Parker.
#getsmart #tedknight #themarytylermooreshow #miltonselzer #thefamousteddyz
57 years ago today:
Get Smart
S1E30: The Last One in is a Rotten Spy
A swimmer on the Russian national team calls Max for help, but unfortunately he forgets her name.
Airdate: 1966-05-07
#GetSmart #DonAdams #BarbaraFeldon #CBS #ClassicTV
#getsmart #donadams #barbarafeldon #cbs #classictv
It hit me like a ton of bricks sometime ago, that when I say “That’s the second largest number I’ve seen all week…” or “Missed it by that much…” no student got it because the funny bones of this generation have never been shaped by #GetSmart (in response to @cmonmattthink ‘s 🐣 about how he is “of the record/cassette/CD generation” but students are not)
53 years ago today:
Get Smart
S5E24: Hello, Columbus - Goodbye, America
CONTROL must persuade a decendent of Columbus not to sell America to KAOS.
Airdate: 1970-05-01
#GetSmart #DonAdams #BarbaraFeldon #BillyBarty #CBS #Television
#getsmart #donadams #barbarafeldon #billybarty #cbs #television
This is a fabulous cover of the Get Smart theme song in a ska style by the Melbourne Ska Orchestra. Love the video too!
My blog post of the same has the original, just in case you need a reminder. :)
56 years ago today:
Get Smart
S2E30: A Man Called Smart (3)
KAOS attempts to kill the Chief in his hospital room, but a sharp-eyed 99 foils the plot. Investigating a clue at Three Brothers Omniwash, Max and 99 discover TBO means T.B.Orlando, a Hollywood executive. Or does it? When Orlando turns up dead, Max and 99 must find the truth before KAOS dries up the...
Airdate: 1967-04-22
#GetSmart #DonAdams #BarbaraFeldon #KennethMars #CBS
#getsmart #donadams #barbarafeldon #kennethmars #cbs
We're back with a new episode of @ef4podcast! Model, actress and writer #BarbaraFeldon discusses her career, playing #GetSmart's Agent 99, her memoir, and more.
Listen & subscribe: #EverythingFabFour @WonderwallComm @KennethAWomack #press
#barbarafeldon #getsmart #everythingfabfour #press
56 years ago today:
Get Smart
S2E29: A Man Called Smart (2)
Admiral Hardgrade, CONTROL's first chief, is appointed by the president to take charge of CONTROL during this crisis. He sends the Chief, Max and 99 into the field to interview Bediyoskin and learn who's behind the DryUp caper.
Airdate: 1967-04-15
#GetSmart #BarbaraFeldon #CBS #tvshows
#getsmart #barbarafeldon #cbs #tvshows
Working our way through old #MadAboutYou episodes (again), a few are pretty bad but I really enjoyed this one:
#BarbaraFeldon guest star, doing a great send-up of herself as a former star of a TV spy series.
(oh and did I mention I had an awful #crush on Barbara Feldon in Get Smart?)
#MadAboutYou #barbarafeldon #agent99 #getsmart #crush
57 years ago today:
Get Smart
S1E27: Ship of Spies (1)
Ahoy mate! Max's new assignment has him in a boat where he must find the blueprints of a super weapon while watching his back from a mysterious killer who makes a peculiar clip-clop sound, which is not that much help as every single passenger and crew member make that sound.
Airdate: 1966-04-02
#GetSmart #BarbaraFeldon #VictorFrench #CBS #BuckHenry #tvseries
#getsmart #barbarafeldon #victorfrench #cbs #buckhenry #tvseries
56 years ago today:
Get Smart
S2E27: Pussycats Galore
After important scientists begin to go missing, Max and 99 go undercover to solve the mystery.
Airdate: 1967-04-01
#GetSmart #BarbaraFeldon #AngeliquePettyjohn #CBS #tvseries
#getsmart #barbarafeldon #angeliquepettyjohn #cbs #tvseries
56 years ago today:
Get Smart
S2E27: Pussycats Galore
After important scientists begin to go missing, Max and 99 go undercover to solve the mystery.
Airdate: 1967-04-01
#GetSmart #AngeliquePettyjohn #BarbaraFeldon #CBS #Television
#getsmart #angeliquepettyjohn #barbarafeldon #cbs #television
55 years ago today:
Get Smart
S3E25: Die, Spy
The story spoofs NBC's ""I Spy"" and Robert Culp of that series appears in a cameo role.
Airdate: 1968-03-30
#GetSmart #RobertCulp #DonAdams #CBS #ClassicTV
#getsmart #robertculp #donadams #cbs #classictv
55 years ago today:
Get Smart
S3E25: Die, Spy
The story spoofs NBC's ""I Spy"" and Robert Culp of that series appears in a cameo role.
Airdate: 1968-03-30
#GetSmart #RobertCulp #CBS #tvshows
#getsmart #robertculp #cbs #tvshows