Just a reminder, everyone: #covid is still a thing. Just spent a week in the woods with friends. Assumed I just had a cold. It was not a cold.
I just mixed up a big batch of berry blue Jell-O, which is the closest thing to solid food I will get to eat tomorrow: https://medium.com/@johnicarney/shop-local-and-get-tested-79a2adfd9ce3 #colonoscopy #gettested
Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's #GetTested #HIV/#STI testing site finder is connecting people to fake health care clinics that call themselves "crisis #pregnancy centers?” I discussed with Garnet Henderson at Rewire News Group: #StopFakeClinics #SexualHealth https://rewirenewsgroup.com/2023/05/16/why-wont-the-cdc-kick-crisis-pregnancy-centers-out-of-its-directories/
#sexualhealth #stopfakeclinics #pregnancy #hiv #gettested
@vsnmaryland The thing here is, #men and people with prostates, you need to get tested regularly. Early detection is key--and the article notes that now, are many ways to catch #prostatecancer while it's localized. If the #cancer reaches the advanced stage, a patient's situation becomes markedly different and treatment becomes more urgent. Get more info at https://pcf.org -- and donate to #cancerresearch if you can.
#health #gettested #wellness #menshealth #ripdanfogelberg #medical
#men #prostatecancer #cancer #health #gettested #wellness #menshealth #ripdanfogelberg #medical #cancerresearch
This is your periodic reminder to 'Ho Responsibly.
#GetTested #KnowYourStatus
Sexy-health checks done for the quarter; all came back clear. Woop! #GetTested
There are more than 3 million men in the U.S. living with prostate cancer, and, on average, 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed in their lifetime. However, there are significant racial disparities. For Black men, 1 in 6 will develop prostate cancer and are more than twice as likely to die from the disease. The good news is that the disease is highly treatable when detected early. Learn more at https://www.pcf.org/knowyourrisk/
Thank you Monique!
#ThankYou #StayNegativeBePositive #MaskUp #IndoorAirQuality #GetTested
#thankyou #staynegativebepositive #MaskUp #indoorairquality #gettested
Happy Third Night of Hanukah! Enjoy a Sufganiyot (jelly doughnut)!
#Happyhanukah #HappyHannukah #Chanukah2022 #gettested #staysafe
#happyhanukah #happyhannukah #chanukah2022 #gettested #staysafe
For those we’ve lost from it,
For those who live with it,
For those who fight to end it every day. 💋❤️ https://youtu.be/GudGFoGHiPo #WorldAIDSDay #GetTested #misskittylelynx #LiveInFIERCE #nonbinary #genderqueer #transfemme #knowyourstatus #endHIVstigma #LGBTQIA (this 2015 throwback: her 1st glamour shot)
#WorldAIDSDay #gettested #misskittylelynx #LiveInFIERCE #nonbinary #genderqueer #transfemme #knowyourstatus #endhivstigma #lgbtqia
RT @OPICardiff@twitter.com
#celebrate #remembrance #endthestigma #knowyourstatus #gettested #hiv #worldaidsday #youareloved #chiffonborg
Living in Wales?
Get your free test kit by post
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OPICardiff/status/1598113912855334912
#chiffonborg #youareloved #worldaidsday #hiv #gettested #knowyourstatus #endthestigma #remembrance #celebrate
Freundin hat Covid, ihr Mann röchelt und hustet.
Testen? Nö, wozu?
Morgen geht er auf die Comic Messe.
Ich mag echt nimma…
#gettested #getvaxxed #bringbackmasks
Yes, it’s the holiday season and COVID is still a thing. But, you can be #festiveandsafe if you #MaskUp & #GetTested! Plus, as of this week, some #NYCHealthandHospitals mobile Test-To-Treat units now offer NO COST #Flu & #RSV tests to folks w/symptoms (+ rapid or PCR tests & free #Paxlovid). Use our Borough flyers to find a site near you: http://bit.ly/testsitesNYC. All sites closed Nov 24-25.
#festiveandsafe #MaskUp #gettested #nychealthandhospitals #flu #rsv #Paxlovid
Letztes WE hatten Freunde zum Essen eingeladen.
Wir hatten abgelehnt, da sich keiner vorher testen wollte.
Heute dann 7 von 8 positiv und richtig krank.
Aber hey, Covid ist ja vorbei 🙄
#gettested #getvaxxed #bringbackmask
This site also has education resources and free at home HIV testing kits
#gettested #harmreduction #TexasWearsCondoms
Oklahoma State Department of Health: COVID-19 testing is free to the public at more than 80 testing locations statewide. Schedule an appointment today! https://coronavirus.health.ok.gov/testing-sites
#Oklahoma #COVID19 #gettested #MaskUp