Happy anniversary to Electronics self-titled debut album. Released this week in 1991. #electronic #bernardsumner #johnnymarr #neiltennant #neworder #thesmiths #petshopboys #getthemessage #tightenup #feeleverybeat #gettingawaywithit #dissapointed #coolworld
#electronic #bernardsumner #JohnnyMarr #NeilTennant #neworder #thesmiths #petshopboys #GetTheMessage #tightenup #feeleverybeat #gettingawaywithit #dissapointed #coolworld
Today's card is 7 of Swords.
You might get away with stealing other people's ideas and passing them off as your own once or maybe twice, but making a career out of it will never end well.
#TarotReading #Tarot
Tarot readings available daily.
#gettingawaywithit #TarotReading #Tarot #modernwitchtarot #Laurajk32
E = Electronic - Getting Away With It
#electronic #bernardsumner #NeilTennant #gettingawaywithit
https://open.spotify.com/album/1or6lXfWy3cztxrC0t30Bw?si=mfgL11U9Q5GuGJLYFsAbCg (Spotify)
#gettingawaywithit #neiltennant #bernardsumner #electronic
@christianlament it's only recently I realised that one can buy birthday cakes any old time and no-one checks #GettingAwayWithIt #Suckers
In my best Sean Quinn voice "sure lookit, did I eat a pouch of Maltesers, I did. But sure its Christmas" #GettingAwayWithIt
Happy anniversary to Electronic’s debut single, “Getting Away With It”. Released this week in 1989. #electronic #gettingawaywithit #luckybag #bernardsumner #johnnymarr #neiltennant #neworder #thesmiths #petshopboys #petersaville
#electronic #gettingawaywithit #luckybag #bernardsumner #JohnnyMarr #NeilTennant #neworder #thesmiths #petshopboys #petersaville