Puffy eyes from napping all day and general migraine and nausea made today no workout day... That plus my celling leaking water on me at 5 am made today a stress and anxiety filled day, so I took a day off! 🤞 I get a good night sleep today and tomorrow we are back on the schedule(guideline) for workouts!
#GettingHealthy #FitnessJourney #Fitness
#gettinghealthy #fitnessjourney #fitness
Here is day 2 (technically 4 but 2 of posting about it) of after #workout selfie! Slowly but surely I am on my way to #gettingHealthy I feel tired but good! #FitnessJourney
#workout #gettinghealthy #fitnessjourney
Just started cleaning out my closet... I'm fitting into several pants that have been way too tight or that I couldn't even get my calves into since at least 2020.
I'm fat! There. I said it now for the millionth time. Fat shame me? I'm ok with it. I hate being fat. I know it's not healthy, not attractive and not good for my mental health. I stress eat and have the health complications to show for it. Yes, I got myself there and I need to fix it.
Note - this is my personal feeling. Some people embrace their fat and I'm happy for them. I don't agree but it's their life.
#fat #fatacceptance #gettinghealthy #mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth
#fat #fatacceptance #gettinghealthy #mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth
I've struggled with getting back on track with my journey but I'm back to it. This is solely for my health and if it means working on losing weight that's what I'm going to do. I have lost 8st in the past 3 years which has been a battle, 3 more to lose :ablobcathappypaws: #gettinghealthy