No dia 15 de Fevereiro, vamos receber Luciano Aronne de Abreu (PUCRS) para o encontro "Autoritarismo e democracia no Brasil, de Vargas a Bolsonaro", que tem como objectivo discutir as questões do autoritarismo e da democracia no Brasil para melhor compreender o actual momento político vivido pelo país.
#histodons #Brazil #AuthoritarianRegimes #Democracy #GetúlioVargas #Bolsonaro #PoliticalHistory
#histodons #brazil #authoritarianregimes #democracy #getuliovargas #bolsonaro #PoliticalHistory
TIL: #Brazil had the largest #NaziParty branch outside of #Germany.
And for the people who weren't pure blood enough for the Nazis, they would simply join the #IntegralistParty which was pretty much the same thing and both parties often opened branches next to each other.
President #GetúlioVargas dissolved both when he abolished all political parties in his 1938 coup.
#brazil #naziparty #germany #integralistparty #getuliovargas #brazillianhistory