Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
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Ragga Ragga in honour of Alex and the many BBCA/BCA Balls over the years.

Gone too soon.
C'mon even the white people can sing along. 😘

But all I heaaaaaar...

Ragga ragga, ragga ragga
Ragga ragga, ragga ragga
Ragga ragga, ragga ragga
Ragga ragga, ragga ragga
I hearing, they're singing
Ragga ragga, ragga ragga
Ragga ragga, ragga ragga
Ragga ragga, ragga ragga
Ragga ragga, ragga ragga
They're chanting, they're shouting
Ragga ragga
Even when I move a little closer
Ragga ragga
I put mi ear close to the speaker
Ragga ragga
I turn up mi radio louder
Ragga ragga
You know, I just can't decipher

#soca #getupanddance #barbados

Last updated 1 year ago