Just found 30s without any people to talk with to get some picture of the booth at the awesome festival of Les Geek Fairies 2018 πΈπ€
#gf18 #gf2018 #geekfairies18 #geekfairies2018 #whatIsTheHashTagxD
#UBports #Ubuntu
As you can see we are close to others booth such as #lqdn #mozilla #debian #wikimedia and #april
We have a lot people asking for #UbuntuTouch #convergence showcase on phone, tablet becoming PC, ane they like it. We need to translate the website in french ;)
#gf18 #gf2018 #geekfairies18 #geekfairies2018 #whatisthehashtagxd #ubports #ubuntu #lqdn #mozilla #debian #wikimedia #april #ubuntutouch #convergence