Global Forum for Food and Agriculture: La Via Campesina defends seed diversity, calls for stricter regulation of genetic engineering #AgroecologyandPeasants'Seeds #Featured #Youth #GFFA #AbL
#AgroecologyandPeasants #featured #youth #gffa #abl
Im Rahmen v. #GrüneWoche & #GFFA werden Versorgungsengpässe als Folge des Ukraine-Krieges diskutiert. Im Juli 2022 fasste ein von koordiniertes 360 Grad weltweite Versorgungsrisiken & Lösungsansätze zusammen 👇
Im Rahmen v. #GrüneWoche & #GFFA werden Versorgungsengpässe als Folge des Ukraine-Krieges diskutiert. Im Juli 2022 fasste ein von @BettinaRudloff koordiniertes 360 Grad weltweite Versorgungsrisiken & Lösungsansätze zusammen @SWP_MEA @SWP_EEE @SWPBerlin 👇
Germany : Statement of Young Farmers at the 2023 Global Forum for Food and Agriculture #ClimateandEnvironmentalJustice #AgroecologyandPeasants'Seeds #FoodSovereignty #Peasants'Rights #Europe #Youth #GFFA #YFF
#ClimateandEnvironmentalJustice #AgroecologyandPeasants #foodsovereignty #peasants #europe #youth #gffa #yff
RT @Welthungerhilfe
Ernährungssysteme indigener Bevölkerungen sind tendenziell resilienter gegen Klimaveränderungen. Wie indigene und moderne/westliche Systeme besser verknüpft werden können diskutieren wir am 20. Januar beim #GFFA des @bmel mit @ZALF_leibniz und anderen:
🌎Land, soil and water are precious resources, essential for food security.
⚠️But unsustainable practices are putting them on the brink of collapse.
💡We must manage these resources wisely to safeguard our future.
Make a note of the #ScienceSlam at the #GFFA-Berlin at International Green Week: 5 scientists from all over the world will present their #research projects in 8-minute-performances. Lia Orr from the #Thünen Institute talks about #foodWaste using the example of an apple that wants to be eaten.
📅20.1., ⏰14.15 ➡️Hall 23a
#scienceslam #gffa #research #thunen #foodwaste
Make a note of the #ScienceSlam at the #GFFA-Berlin at International Green Week: 5 scientists from all over the world will present their #research projects in 8-minute-performances. Lia Orr from the #Thünen Institute talks about #foodWaste using the example of an apple that wants to be eaten.
📅20.1., ⏰14.15 ➡️Hall 23a
#scienceslam #gffa #research #thunen #foodwaste
At today's #GlobalForumForFoodAndAgriculture #GFFA Prof #BrittaRenner, Prof #TheresaMarteau, Prof #AchimSpiller & #StefanHaensel will discuss how #fair #FoodEnvironments can be created, as well as the role of a national #FoodStrategy👇
#foodstrategy #FoodEnvironments #fair #stefanhaensel #achimspiller #theresamarteau #brittarenner #gffa #globalforumforfoodandagriculture
I bet he wouldn’t have fallen to the dark side if they had #YorkshireTea in #GFFA.
Then again it’s the dark side that has the cookies 🤔🤔 #StarWars
This Friday, 20th January, ZALF scientist Kaharina Löhr will be moderating the #GFFA expert panel on "Linking indigenous knowledge with transformation processes of sustainable food systems". Find out more:
RT @Welthungerhilfe
Mark your calendar and register now for the expert panels by Welthungerhilfe (WHH) and partners on #foodsystems at the Global Forum for Food and Agri…
The #GFFA 2023 on transformation of global food systems is coming up next week @bmel. On Jan 19th, #BrittaRenner @unikonstanz
#CASCB will be a keynote speaker for the expert panel of the WBAE on "Transforming our collective appetite - creating fair food environments" 🌱
Another year, another agrifood conference. Let's hope 2023 will see more determined policy action to advance #TrueCostAccounting of our unhealthy, unsustainable and unequal #foodsystems #GFFA @EU_Commission
#truecostaccounting #foodsystems #gffa