In gut 1 Monat intensiver Austausch bei Science for Society #sfs2023duisburg: .
Know-how austauschen, Inspirationen sammeln und interessante Menschen kennenlernen. #gfo #gpma #fom #Duisburg und Umgebung.
#duisburg #FoM #gpma #gfo #sfs2023duisburg
This is a HOG.5 scrubber® that is newly installed; it is one LED, and a small Green Grabber® algae attachment area. Since it is shown here on a large sump, is can only be used to grow fresh food for feeding; it is too small for filtering this system. Keeping the top slightly above the waterline makes it more quiet and keeps most of the spray inside. There should also be a black shade cloth over half the light until some color of growth develops.
#algaereactor #algaescrubber #ats #ballingmethod #biopellets #bulkreefsupply #canisterfilter #carbondosing #chaeto #chaetomorpha #chaetoreactor #coralvue #fleecefilter #fluconazole #freshwateraquarium #gfo #nitrate #phosphate #pelletreactor #plantedtank #premiumaquatics #proteinskimmer #reef2reef #reeftank #refugium #rollfilter #saltwatertank #tritonmethod #turfscrubber #zeovit
This RAIN2 (tm) waterfall scrubber is sitting on a pole mount in a saltwater sump. If you wanted to run the tank as a natural reef with lots of food particles in the water for the corals to eat, you could remove the roll filter, or the skimmer, or both.
#algaereactor #algaescrubber #ats #ballingmethod #biopellets #bulkreefsupply #canisterfilter #carbondosing #chaeto #chaetomorpha #chaetoreactor #coralvue #fleecefilter #fluconazole #freshwateraquarium #gfo #nitrate #phosphate #pelletreactor #plantedtank #premiumaquatics #proteinskimmer #reef2reef #reeftank #refugium #rollfilter #saltwatertank #tritonmethod #turfscrubber #zeovit
This HOG2 scrubber® is clogged with very dark hair algae mixed with black slime (the dog likes it!). It really needed to be brushed out in the sink long before now, so that the white Green Grabber® surfaces are visible so it can reflect more light back to the growth. The light should go to 24 hours. And cleaning should be every 3-5 days until nutrients come down and growth gets lighter in color.
#algaereactor #algaescrubber #ats #ballingmethod #biopellets #bulkreefsupply #canisterfilter #carbondosing #chaeto #chaetomorpha #chaetoreactor #coralvue #fleecefilter #fluconazole #freshwateraquarium #gfo #nitrate #phosphate #pelletreactor #plantedtank #premiumaquatics #proteinskimmer #reef2reef #reeftank #refugium #rollfilter #saltwatertank #tritonmethod #turfscrubber #zeovit
For sumps with little room, a larger HOG scrubber® like the HOG1.3 or larger here, fits well. It was just installed and still has the shade cloth over half the light.
#algaereactor #algaescrubber #ats #ballingmethod #biopellets #bulkreefsupply #canisterfilter #carbondosing #chaeto #chaetomorpha #chaetoreactor #coralvue #fleecefilter #fluconazole #freshwateraquarium #gfo #nitrate #phosphate #pelletreactor #plantedtank #premiumaquatics #proteinskimmer #reef2reef #reeftank #refugium #rollfilter #saltwatertank #tritonmethod #turfscrubber #zeovit
London Stock Exchange’s LCH SA to Clear Bitcoin Futures and Options on GFO-X Through New Service - On April 13, 2023, the London Stock Exchange’s LCH division, a clearing house grou... - #gfo-x/coinmetricsbitcoinreferencerate #cryptocurrencyderivativesmarket #bitcoinderivativesclearing #on-chainanalyticsprovider #segregatedclearingservice #bitcoinoptionscontracts
#bitcoinoptionscontracts #segregatedclearingservice #on #bitcoinderivativesclearing #cryptocurrencyderivativesmarket #gfo
This DROP1.4 scrubber® has just been brushed clean in the sink. Looks like the black shade screen has been used, but it should not be, because the dark growth means it needs more light, not less.
#zeovit #vibrant #turfscrubber #tritonmethod #saltwatertank #rollfilter #refugium #reeftank #reefcentral #reef2reef #proteinskimmer #plantedtank #pelletreactor #phosphate #nitrate #gfo #freshwateraquarium #fluconazole #fleecefilter #filtration #chaetoreactor #chaetomorpha #chaeto #carbondosing #canisterfilter #biopellets #ballingmethod #ats #algaescrubber #algaereactor
Digitalisierungsprofis, Logistikexperten, Prozessmanager, Organisatoren usw. aus der #gfo Gesellschaft für Organisation haben 2020 den Gesundheitsämtern kostenfreie Unterstützung angeboten. Die Antwort war: "Für sowas haben wir keine Zeit." @SchulzkiHaddouti
Die #Familienforscher im Landkreis #Cham der "Gesellschaft für Familienforschung in der #Oberpfalz " (#GFO) treffen sich am Samstag, 3. Dezember, in der #Klostermühle #Altenmarkt. Beginn ist um 17 Uhr im großen Vortragsraum. Herbert Weiß aus Cham wird zum Thema "Schicksal der #Deutschböhmen - Auswanderung in das #Banater Bergland und Rückkehr - Eine Zeitreise von fast 200 Jahren" referieren.
#familienforscher #Cham #Oberpfalz #gfo #klostermuhle #altenmarkt #deutschbohmen #banater
On my way to the #SFɲ #GfÖ #EEF congress of #ecology and #evolution in #Metz, France. Not giving a presentation this year, but looking forward to listening to great talks and chatting in-between sessions! More here ▶️
#sfe #gfo #eef #ecology #Evolution #Metz
A nice growth ring on this RAIN2 screen:
#zeovit #vibrant #turfscrubber #tritonmethod #saltwatertank #rollfilter #refugium #reeftank #reefcentral #reef2reef #proteinskimmer #plantedtank #pelletreactor #phosphate #nitrate #gfo #freshwateraquarium #fluconazole #fleecefilter #filtration #chaetoreactor #chaetomorpha #chaeto #carbondosing #canisterfilter #biopellets #ballingmethod #ats #algaescrubber #algaereactor