[오늘장 K-스탁] 아무도 가보지 않은 길 가는 '엔비디아'.. 반도체 대형주 지수 '견인'ㅣ뉴스에 파는 HBM3 관련주.. 대응은?ㅣK-스탁 라이브ㅣ한국경제TV - 한국경제TV
#주성엔지니어링 #솔루엠 #엔비디아 #반도체 #AI #AI챗봇 #SK하이닉스 #삼성전자 #HBM #GH200 #네이버 #NAVER #하이퍼클로바X #소프트웨어 #큐 #삼성SDS #셀바스AI #코난테크놀로지 #솔트룩스 #폴라리스오피스 #마음AI #한미반도체 #오로스테크놀로지 #인텍플...
#technology #SouthKorea 2023-08-24T07:07:28Z
Read more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEpmLHlNVO8
#주성엔지니어링 #솔루엠 #엔비디아 #반도체 #ai #ai챗봇 #sk하이닉스 #삼성전자 #hbm #gh200 #네이버 #naver #하이퍼클로바x #소프트웨어 #큐 #삼성sds #셀바스ai #코난테크놀로지 #솔트룩스 #폴라리스오피스 #마음ai #한미반도체 #오로스테크놀로지 #인텍플 #technology #southkorea
Nvidia’s new monster CPU+GPU chip may power the next gen of AI chatbots - Enlarge / NVIDIA's GH200 "Grace Hopper" AI superchip. (credit: Nvidia) ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1945664 #machinelearning #supercomputer #gracehopper #aichips #biz #nvidia #gh200 #ai
#ai #gh200 #nvidia #biz #aichips #gracehopper #supercomputer #machinelearning
Ars Technica: Nvidia’s new monster CPU+GPU chip may power the next gen of AI chatbots https://arstechnica.com/?p=1945664 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #machinelearning #supercomputer #GraceHopper #AIchips #Biz&IT #NVIDIA #GH200 #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #machinelearning #Supercomputer #gracehopper #aichips #biz #nvidia #gh200 #ai
#Nvidia #DGX #GH200 stitches together 256 superchips
The DGX #H100 is an 8U system with dual Intel Xeons and eight H100 GPUs and about as many NICs. The DGX GH200, is a 24-rack cluster built on an all-Nvidia architecture. At the heart of this super-system is the #GraceHopper chip. Unveiled at March GTC in 2022, blending a 72-core Arm-compatible Grace CPU cluster and 512GB of LPDDR5X memory with an 96GB GH100 Hopper GPU die using the company's 900GBps NVLink-C2C interface.
#nvidia #dgx #gh200 #H100 #gracehopper