The only thing that makes me sad about BBC Alba is that there are no subtitles in #Ghàidhlig for Ghàidhlig shows. I hope BBC changes that one day.
I watch English shows with English subtitles all the time. It helps me a lot.
#ghaidhlig #bbc #bbcalba #alba #scotsgaelic
Seachdain an #Ghàidhlig sona dhuibh!🏴❤️✨
I am still learning but I really love this language. Any recommendations for reading or thing to watch would be appreciated!
Been doing a lot of drawing for work recently. Here's some marketing material and characters I designed for a Gaelic event last year, which inspired me to start learning the language!
#mastoart #ghaidhlig #gaelic #characterdesign #illustration
800 làithean air Duolingo! #Ghàidhlig
@histodons @medievodons @archaeodons @folklore
Here is a virtual poster announcing the CSANA conference. Please share widely.
Again the submission deadline for abstracts is this Friday, 6 January.
#CFP #CelticStudies #Cymraeg #Gaelige #Ghàidhlig #Brezhoneg #Brittany #Ireland #Scotland #Wales
#cfp #celticstudies #cymraeg #gaelige #ghaidhlig #Brezhoneg #brittany #ireland #scotland #Wales
#Cluicheamaid's #Games of the Year #2022.
#MastoDaoine #Ghàidhlig #geama #Scotland
#scotland #geama #ghaidhlig #mastodaoine #games #cluicheamaid
Bha seo fìor mhath.
#Ghàidhlig #each #Horses #Ponies
#ponies #horses #Each #ghaidhlig
NOW Duolingo is serving up useful Gaelic information.
Feumaidh mi seo.
#Gaelic #Ghàidhlig #Duolingo
One of the things I look forward to the most every week is my #Ghàidhlig class at the University of Edinburgh. Nevertheless I was happy to see my teacher has joined the strike action and class was cancelled today. 'Mon the workers! ✊🏻
@withaveeay A good resource for finding the etymology of #Gàidhlig placenames.
#Ghàidhlig #Gaelic
@Sonya Not to be confused with "Cù." And if you're cù is called Bò, even more confusing.
#Ghàidhlig #Scots
Ceart ma-tha, post iomachaidh #toiseachadh, leis gu bheil mi eòlach air a' ghnàths a-nis. Tha mi fuireachd sa bhaile mhòr (Antaiginis), #AlbaNuadh. Tha mi nam #eadar-theangair bho Duitsis, Gearmailtis, Fraingis s Spaintis gu Beurla. Tha suim agam anns a #Ghaidhlig, #cànain, #sàidheans, #poileataigs, #cocaireachd, #eachdraidh, #ceòl, #siubhail agus an #EiginnGnàth-Shìde.
#toiseachadh #albanuadh #eadar #ghaidhlig #canain #saidheans #poileataigs #cocaireachd #eachdraidh #ceol #siubhail #eiginngnath
If you are interested in learning Scottish Gaelic, the Duolingo course is very good.
#Ghàidhlig #Gaelic #MastoDaoine
#mastodaoine #gaelic #ghaidhlig
2. We think there are about 10000 names in total, so we have barely scratched the surface. But an end isn't really the point. The process and discovery is key. We have had some recent brilliant contributions by Gemma Smith of Glasgow Uni, who is becoming an authority on placenames of the NW Highlands.
If you have place name contributions or comments, especially if you are a #Gaelic #Ghàidhlig speaker do let me know, either here or via the web site.
For some years now, here in #Assynt we have enjoyed place names workshops, run by local #Gaelic #Ghàidhlig speaker Claire Belshaw. At some point, I offered to put the place names on the web, using my VPS, then later, when some funding became available, this was migrated to
of course, the funding soon dried up, so now it's back on my system. It costs a currently-manageable amount, but is too good a resource to lose.