👋 Here is my updated #introduction. It's been awhile.
#Gadgets #RetroComputing #Gopher #PDA #PalmOS #RaspberryPi #GhettoEngineering #MusicalInstruments #JapaneseRobots #Integrity #Authenticity #CharacterDefects #MentalHealth #ChildProcesses #Buddhism #Woodworking #LadyGaga #Recycling
#EternalNow #RightToRepair #HandTools #Synth #Guitar
#introduction #gadgets #retrocomputing #gopher #pda #palmos #raspberrypi #ghettoengineering #musicalinstruments #japaneserobots #integrity #authenticity #characterdefects #mentalhealth #childprocesses #buddhism #woodworking #ladygaga #recycling #eternalnow #righttorepair #handtools #synth #guitar
@julienxx NICE HAT! Are you setting it up for #pubnix? Very neat and compact compared to what I put together awhile back. I did it the old way a couple years ago with 4x Raspberry Pi 2 + 5v ethernet switch + 5v wifi router + 4 port 12v USB charger. Was running it on 12V sealed lead acid batteries for awhile. I learned a lot about hadoop clusters (and fabricating ghetto project cases! Parts from Goodwill!) Here's a pic from an early configuration.
#pubnix #raspberrypi #cluster #ghettoengineering
OK, I'll play this round since I didn't when I joined. #introduction:
#introduction #integrity #linux #personalcomputing #authenticity #pda #palmos #raspberrypi #characterdefects #cyberspace #ghettoengineering #musicalinstruments #mentalhealth #japaneserobots #childprocesses #bbs #buddhism #youthculture #woodcarving #ladygaga #recycling #eternalnow