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Saffron geographies of exclusion: The Disturbed Areas Act of Gujarat (research article by Sheba Yejani)

This article elucidates the discursive, spatial and procedural mechanisms by which residential segregation and ghettoisation based on religion in Ahmedabad is reproduced and reinforced.

It studies the application of the Disturbed Areas Act of Gujarat, a 1986 law ostensibly intended to curb spatial segregation based on religion by preventing the distress sale of property in ‘disturbed areas’ affected by sectarian violence. However, this law is being used for precisely opposite ends and as a tool of ‘ethnocratic urban planning’ to advance the Hindu right’s goal of separate and hierarchical nations based on religion and to actively ‘Hinduise’ urban space.

#gujarat #muslims #disturbedareasact #ghettoisation #islamophobia #hindutva #BJP #urbanplanning #india #longreads

Last updated 2 years ago

IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
162 followers · 979 posts · Server

Muslims Can Live, But They Shouldn't Look Muslim or Congregate

The message behind the Noida protest by local residents is clear: Muslims are welcome to live in isolation in colonies numerically dominated by Hindus, provided they do not ‘look’ Muslim and do not publicly form a collective, writes Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay.


#opinion #nilanjanmukhopadhyay #Noida #ramnavami #muslims #minorities #religiousfreedom #humanrights #namaz #jummanamaz #hindumobs #BJP #vhp #Bajrangdal #ghettoisation #india

Last updated 2 years ago

IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
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