The Endangered Species Act (ESA) predicts that up to two-thirds of the world’s Polar bears could disappear by mid-century.
Absence of a quantitative link between anthropogenic GHG emissions, sea ice loss, and declining polar bear vital rates has foiled full ESA implementation.
In a recent paper from Science, scientists establish a direct link between #GHG emissions and survival rate of Polar bears.
#ghg #globalwarming #massextinction #biodiversity
Earth just had its hottest three months on record - @WMO & @CopernicusECMWF
Limiting human-caused #GlobalWarming requires #NetZero CO2 emissions.
Limiting warming to 1.5°C & 2°C involves rapid, deep & in most cases immediate
#GHG emission reductions.
Stop logging native forests in a climate and biodiversity emergency Pt 2
It is not ok to do industrial logging in a biodiversity crisis.
It is not ok to kill our atmosphere
It is not ok to kill the diversity of life on the planet.
Electrifying heavy-duty vehicles could reduce environmental inequalities
Camilleri, S.F., et al, Air quality, health and equity implications of electrifying heavy-duty vehicles, Nature Sustainability (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41893-023-01219-0.
Australia is party to the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement came into force in 2016. It was a major step forward in international efforts to address climate chang
Climate Change Detection and Attribution?
#FossiFuel #machinery #HDVs #trucks #pollution #exposure AirQuality #externalities #OneHealth #NSWLogging #logging #BellingLogging #Bellingen #RosesRoad #GlenifferRoad #Climate #GHG #SaveTuckersNob
#fossifuel #machinery #hdvs #trucks #pollution #exposure #externalities #onehealth #nswlogging #logging #bellinglogging #bellingen #rosesroad #glenifferroad #climate #ghg #savetuckersnob
freaking amazing technology, making a massive reduction in MINING #GHG emissions, and recognizing that mining to support the #RenewableTransition is a huge reduction in the Destruction done mining for #Oil #Gas #Coal!
#ghg #renewabletransition #oil #gas #coal
> Loops, rolls and barrel turns: Air show pilots display their signature manoeuvres | CBC News
It's not just the massive carbon emissions during the shows, but all the practice runs.
And the message they send, that we shouldn't cut emissions, even for a few minutes' entertainment, is even worse.
Ban the air shows.
> They may be noisy but these fighter jets and other mighty aircraft are a sight to behold during annual air shows here and abroad.
Just saw a cross-border #climate investigation tout that it included "reporters on almost every continent."
The missing continent? Amazingly, it was #Asia.
Only home to a majority of the world's population and >50% of #GHG #emissions.
#climate #asia #ghg #emissions
we have to #Mitigate #ClimateChange. #FossilFuel propagandist claim we can adopt, but the client will continue to warm if we don’t stop the #GHG emissions. We cannot continue burning #CarbonFuels. The solution is #RenewableEnergytransition ASAP!
#mitigate #climatechange #fossilfuel #ghg #carbonfuels #RenewableEnergyTransition
“The deleted passages included lines stating heat pumps are “six to eight times more efficient than heating with gas” and that in southern BC’s “moderate climate…electric heat pumps can achieve (#greenhouse gas) #GHG emissions reductions more effectively than renewable and low-carbon gases.”
#Latvia's greenhouse gas (#GHG) emissions rose by 7.5% in Q1/2023, compared to the same period of 2022, according to #Eurostat data. The increase was the second highest in the EU.
"Cutting meat consumption in rich nations is vital to tackling the climate crisis.
Livestock production causes 15% of all global greenhouse emissions. Cutting meat and dairy consumption also slashes pollution, land and water use, and the destruction of forests, with scientists saying it is the single biggest way for people to reduce their impact on the planet."
#meat #climate #deforestation #GHG #vegan
#meat #climate #deforestation #ghg #vegan
there's only one answer: #EatTheRich
The richest 10% of US households are responsible for 40% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions
#GHG #ClimateCrisis
#eattherich #ghg #climatecrisis
Rice paddies are responsible for 11% of the world’s methane emissions. There are more than 200 million rice farms in Asia.
Working with local farmers, researchers in Bali, Indonesia, have discovered how to dramatically reduce the greenhouse gas emissions output of rice fields. Initial indications are showing a 70% reduction.
by Claire Turrell
#News #environment #conservation #agriculture #asia #ghg
#FossilFuel #Corporation #Lies. #Naturalgas is a disaster for the climate. Leaking gas is a #GHG 80 times more powerful than #CO2.
#fossilfuel #corporation #lies #naturalgas #ghg #co2
Australia's chief scientist says carbon production needs to be cut by eight times the current rate
"At the moment the requirement is we need to be reducing by 16 megatons of carbon a year, we are doing two, we need to increase by eight times."
"The problem with climate change ... because it is a long-term issue ... the way that democracies work, obviously is they are not thinking in the long-term ways, they are just thinking about, "how can I make sure that I win the next election'."
"That inability to think, to act long-term, I think, could be what destroys us ultimately."
#ClimateEmergency #FossilFuel #governance #GHG #ClimateAction
#climateemergency #fossilfuel #governance #ghg #climateaction
‘Australia is sleepwalking’- managing emissions and extreme fires
“When will Australians – who live on one of the most fire-prone continents on Earth – get a grip on this escalating global problem? How many more warning signs do we need?”
“Global warming – the result of fossil fuel burning – means bushfires will become more frequent and severe. Of course, we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions. That is blindingly obvious.”
“When the bushfire royal commission handed down its report in October 2020, I described it as a “clarion call for change. Almost three years on, we haven’t seen the changes needed. We’re behaving as if we’ve got an endless amount of time. Australia is sleepwalking into our fiery future."
"It’s vital that we slash greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible, to stabilise Earth’s climate. But that’s not sufficient. Australians have to adapt to fire, too.”
#Australia #bushfires #ExtremeFires #BlackSummer #IndigenousKnowledge #BushfireRoyalCommission #FossilFuel #combustion #climate #biodiversity #GHG #ClimateAction
#australia #bushfires #extremefires #blacksummer #indigenousknowledge #bushfireroyalcommission #fossilfuel #combustion #climate #biodiversity #ghg #climateaction
@ABDanielleSmith @ucp @RachelNotley @albertaNDP @liberal_party @s_guilbeault @POTUS @TheDemocrats @BillNye @350 #Naturalgas is just as bad as coal for #GHG #ClimateChange! #GoodScience known for a decade or more! #RenewableEnergyTransition is the solution.
#naturalgas #ghg #climatechange #goodscience #RenewableEnergyTransition
India's #GHG Emissions Rate Dropped By 33% Over 14 Years: Report
Actually: "India's rate of emissions intensity - the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions emitted for every unit increase of gross domestic product (GDP) - fell by 33%"
Not. The. Same. India's GDP has probably doubled in that same time.
Concentration on greenhouse gas emissions, to the exclusion of all other climate drivers, masks the full story and facilitates continuing damage to the natural world.
Local government is proposing to build a rail trail project that will remove thousands of trees, ostensibly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, trading one climate driver for another.
Forests are more than individual trees.
#ClimateChange #GHG #Trees #Forest #UrbanHeatIsland #Landscape
#climatechange #ghg #trees #forest #urbanheatisland #landscape
Next to rising #GHG emissions, changing clouds by reduced #aerosol #pollution due to the phasing out of high-sulfur ship fuel are to blame (at least partially) for the recent record-breaking North Atlantic #OceanWarming.
As @voooos wrote, this "unintended test of geoengineering is fueling record ocean warmth".
Yet, to keep in mind:
#ClimateChange is a result of rising #CO2 emissions - #geoengineering does not tackle the cause of the problem.
#climatecrisis #geoengineering #co2 #climatechange #oceanwarming #pollution #aerosol #ghg
Next to rising #GHG emissions, changing clouds by reduced #aerosol #pollution due to the phasing out of high-sulfur ship fuel is to blame (at least partially) for the recent record-breaking North Atlantic #OceanWarming.
As @voooos wrote, this "unintended test of geoengineering is fueling record ocean warmth".
Yet, to keep in mind:
#ClimateChange is a result of rising #CO2 emissions - #geoengineering does not tackle the cause of the problem.
#climatecrisis #geoengineering #co2 #climatechange #oceanwarming #pollution #aerosol #ghg