#psm #chapter4
1) #PQLI :-. range of PQLI
2) #HDI :- range
#INDIA- 0.645, rank 131
3) HPI :- 1,2
4)IHDI :- better indicator than HDI
#NORWAY has maximum HDI (most developed country)& high life expectancy, national income
6)MPI/MDPI :- Combination of 3 indicators , comprising of further 10 indicators
Range and interpretation
#INDIA -0.121 , 27.5% poor
#Bihar had the highest share of multidimensionally poor people while Kerala the lowest
Deprivation in >1/3 indicates poverty in a country
4 indicators , 3 dimensions
GHI OF #INDIA- 27.5 (Serious level of hunger)
8) HFA :- WHO indicator,4 dimensions
9) #HII/NITIaayog indicator
10) #BPL
Calorie intake cut off is the most common in defining calorie intake in India
11) std of living , CFR , INCIDENCE , PREVALENCE OF new drug , in hiv pt.
#psm #chapter4 #pqli #india #hdi #norway #bihar #ghi #hii #bpl
Hello Mastodon, or is it Tootland? I'm so confused...I will just blunder on, confused as usual!
I'm Heidi Stenner, a #hazards geologist and Project Manager with #GeoHazards International (#GHI) a non-profit focused on working with lower-resourced global communities who are at high risk of natural hazards and climate change impacts.
I have been an #earthquake #geologist and #paleoseismologist with USGS. Migrated into #scicomm #disasterprep. I'm most interested in #EQ #landslide #volcano #compound #concurrent #cascading #disasters and how to #mitigate #adapt #plan to reduce their impacts.
#hazards #geohazards #earthquake #ghi #geologist #paleoseismologist #scicomm #disasterprep #eq #landslide #volcano #compound #concurrent #cascading #disasters #mitigate #adapt #plan #introduction #SickOfHashtags #EasternWashingtonState
Si vous vouliez un #journal dans lequel rien ne va, je vous propose le dernier #ghi. Y a du #patriarcat, du Z et même un peu de #spécisme.
#journal #ghi #patriarcat #spécisme