Just had to dislike a YouTube video. Normally I just ignore the bad ones I find myself arriving at. but this one was all about how people In Allendale *celebrate* the killing of the last wolf in England.
I thought, 'Yeah, that's England to a T.'
#Folklore is one thing. Being proud of wiping out a species is quite another.
The last wolf in Scotland died at Tomatin. They named a whisky after it. #CuBochan #GhostDog
When all the lairds and gamekeepers are dead, we'll bring the wolf back.
Titel: No one sees the ghost-dog (Niemand sieht den Geisterhund); Acryl auf Zeichenpapier (on drawing paper) 200g/qm; 74 x 89cm (29.1 x 35"); Mai 2019;
Link: https://gallery.b22.de/werk/?Qwd=./Wirkwelten/Wesen%20_%20beings&Qif=No%20one%20sees%20the%20ghost-dog.jpg&Qiv=thumbs&Qis=FS
#abstractfigurative #Geistwesen #spiritbeings #Geisterhund #ghostdog #spritualart #otherworld #Anderswelt #visionaryart #lovepainting #magicalworld #zauberhafteWelt #outsiderart #artbrut #mysticalartworks
#newgermanartists #Bensheim #Zwingenberg #artfrankfurt #artnews #germanartist #permanentexhibition #art #kunst
#kunst #art #permanentexhibition #germanartist #artnews #artfrankfurt #Zwingenberg #bensheim #newgermanartists #mysticalartworks #artbrut #outsiderart #zauberhaftewelt #magicalworld #lovepainting #visionaryart #anderswelt #otherworld #spritualart #ghostdog #geisterhund #spiritbeings #geistwesen #abstractfigurative
RT @ARTEde@twitter.com
🍿 "Es kommt nicht auf Originalität an, sondern auf Authentizität" sagt Kultregisseur #JimJarmusch. Der scheinbar eiskalte Auftragskiller #GhostDog (Forest Whitaker) vereint beides...
Jetzt in der Mediathek! https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/024940-000-A/ghost-dog-der-weg-des-samurai/
Evening amble pic. Cobbled road, snow and ice and, if you look carefully, a ghost dog. No, really. #GhostDog
Forest Whitaker — «Ghost Dog» a toujours autant de chien
🔗 https://www.liberation.fr/culture/cinema/ghost-dog-a-toujours-autant-de-chien-20221214_XD3EUQYZ6ZDCZO3HC76FCZHM7U/ #ghostdog #film #cinéma #ForestWhitaker
#ghostdog #film #cinema #forestwhitaker
Watching an old classic today. I gotta say, Zero definitely doesn't get enough screentime. But overall, he's such a good boy! #Halloween #zero #fanart #thenightmarebeforechristmas #ghost #ghostdog
#halloween #zero #FanArt #thenightmarebeforechristmas #ghost #ghostdog