Möchtet ihr wissen, zu welchen Kosten euer Seefisch auf den Tisch kommt? Dann schaut euch dieses Minivideo von im Fischernetz erdrosselten und ertrunkenen Non human-beings an. Graphic content!
Credit: uselessplastic @ IG
#SeaLife #UrgentNotice #GhostGear #StruggleForLife #Turtle #Whale #Dolphin #Salmon #FishIndustry #Bird #Seal #Trawl #Ocean #OceanCare #OceanConservation #Seefisch #Meeresschutz #Wal #Schildkröte #Delphin #Thunfisch #Lachs #Seehund #IG #uselessplastic
#sealife #urgentnotice #ghostgear #struggleforlife #turtle #whale #dolphin #salmon #fishindustry #bird #seal #trawl #ocean #oceancare #oceanconservation #seefisch #meeresschutz #wal #schildkrote #delphin #thunfisch #lachs #seehund #ig #uselessplastic
https://www.fathomsfree.org/?lang=de. Fathoms Free- a group of Cornwall divers removing ghost gear from the depths. There is a crowdfunder if you feel so inclined. 🦞🦀🐠🐟🐡 #Fishing #GhostGear #Nature #Sea #Fish #Marine
#marine #fish #sea #Nature #ghostgear #Fishing
Global News BC: Fisheries and Oceans Canada seize hundreds of illegal, ghost traps near White Rock, B.C. https://globalnews.ca/news/9444216/white-rock-bc-illegal-ghost-traps-fishing-seized/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FisheriesandOceansCanada #Ghostgearfishing #Illegaltrapping #IllegalFIshing #BCEnvironment #Environment #BoundaryBay #WhiteRockBC #BCtrapping #BCFishing #GhostGear #WhiteRock #BCcrabs #Canada #DFO #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #FisheriesandOceansCanada #ghostgearfishing #illegaltrapping #IllegalFIshing #bcenvironment #environment #boundarybay #whiterockbc #bctrapping #bcfishing #ghostgear #WhiteRock #bccrabs #Canada #DFO #BC
Remarkable comeback but #seals here in #Norfolk are threatened by our stupidity, carelessness & venality every single day. #Seals are not here for our entertainment
#dogattack #sealselfies #sewage #jetskiers #ghostgear #flyingrings #marinepollution https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jan/27/grey-seals-make-remarkable-comeback-uk-aoe?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#seals #norfolk #dogattack #sealselfies #sewage #jetskiers #ghostgear #flyingrings #marinepollution
Pleased to have the opportunity to speak at the LFA 25 Ghost Gear Workshop on how we developing ways to environmentally dispose of fishing gear. @peifishassoc #ghostgear #fishing #environment
#ghostgear #fishing #environment
#Plastic gear loss estimates from a major Australian pot fishery https://academic.oup.com/icesjms/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icesjms/fsac222/6966540#.Y7VxMtv_Y3A.twitter #GhostGear
I guess we'll have to wait until next year before the council's rubbish contractors #Serco finally remove our #2minutebeachclean #December
collection from the seafront here in #Overstrand #Norfolk
This year we removed dozens of #crabpots , countless meters of rope & 100s of kg of other crap from our beach.
Local #crab fishers need to take responsibility for their #ghostgear
#serco #2minutebeachclean #december #Overstrand #norfolk #crabpots #crab #ghostgear #WildLivesMatter #GhostGearKills
Ping: @leah_mfulton@twitter.com @CraigBrown_Dal@twitter.com @jessieamcintyre@twitter.com @arieljsmith@twitter.com @coastalaction@twitter.com @gggi_hq@twitter.com
Hazard and catch composition of ghost fishing gear revealed by a citiz... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308597X2200478X #GhostGear #ALDFG
The usual suspects on today’s #2minutebeachclean between #Overstrand & #Sidestrand #Norfolk
We are killing the world with our crap. #ghostgear
#2minutebeachclean #Overstrand #Sidestrand #norfolk #ghostgear
Perpetual re-baiting.
The carnage imposed on marine wildlife is insidious.
#GhostGear #ALDFG @gggi_hq@twitter.com @coastalaction@twitter.com @DFO_Science@twitter.com @DFO_MAR@twitter.com
RT @C_AndreaClayton@twitter.com
Ghost gear is thought to increase its catch efficiency the longer it persists in the ocean as the initial catch often acts as bait, attracting larger marine animals.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/C_AndreaClayton/status/1603317438556217344
#Geisternetze #GhostGear gefährden unsere Ozeane.
Dazu hatte ich im Sommer mal etwas mehr für #Spektrum geschrieben:
RT @FAO@twitter.com
Ghost gear👇🏼
🐬Trap fish & marine life, obstructing their digestion
🪸Destroy corals & alter aquatic ecosystems
☠️Leave toxic chemicals in the environment
🌊Litter beaches
Urgent action is needed to tackle this threat & protect marine environments & livelihoods.
#Geisternetze #ghostgear #spektrum #aldfg #cop15
The development of a derelict crab trap removal incentive program for commercial shrimpers - https://goo.gl/scholar/BNt2tA #ScholarAlerts #ghostgear #plasticpollution #PlasticsTreaty
#PlasticsTreaty #plasticpollution #ghostgear #scholaralerts
Life is a beach...clean.
This is what we find on ours here in #NorthNorfolk
#GhostGear #plastics & many other nasties.
Trying to fight the tide of rubbish with a #2minutebeachclean is our daily aspiration.
Think about what you've seen next time you fancy a dip on holiday.
#northnorfolk #ghostgear #plastics #2minutebeachclean
The development of a derelict crab trap removal incentive program for ... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0025326X22010748
Ping: @jessieamcintyre@twitter.com @leah_mfulton@twitter.com @arieljsmith@twitter.com @CraigBrown_Dal@twitter.com
Try as we may, the tide of rubbish on the beach at #Overstrand #Norfolk is relentless. #2minutebeachclean
#GhostGear from #crab fishing is a major issue here as is assorted plastic.
This crap belongs to everyone.
WARNING: Flashing Images
#Overstrand #norfolk #2minutebeachclean #ghostgear #crab
Life is a beach…clean. #Overstrand #2minutebeachclean #GhostGear #Plastic
#Overstrand #2minutebeachclean #ghostgear #plastic
My #introduction...
retired secondary school #teacher , #Canadian but have lived in England since 1996...you haven't managed to rid of me yet.
In 2019 I helped #SaveTheBactonSandMartins
I am an avid participant in daily #2minutebeachclean here on the #Norfolk coast
Hate #ghostgear & other people's crap on the beach.
Love #wildlife
Here I am going on a bit...
and here is my YouTube channel
#introduction #teacher #canadian #SavetheBactonSandMartins #2minutebeachclean #norfolk #ghostgear #wildlife #WildLivesMatter
Here is an explainer from Monterey Bay Aquarium on what #ghostgear is, how it impacts #ocean life & potential solutions the #fishing industry can take to reduce the amount of ghost gear entering the ocean https://www.seafoodwatch.org/stories/ghost-gear
Important story on #ghostgear & how it impacts #ocean life from @guardian @mstdn.media:
🔹At the current rates of loss, the amount of stray fishing nets measured by area would be enough to carpet the surface of the planet in 65 years…
🔹Ghost gear contributes about 20% of marine plastic…
🔹… [ghost gear] affects 66% of marine animals, including all sea turtle species and 50% of seabirds.