#Upcoming Three kids from the rust belt were crafting a distinctive and truly far-out strain of American DIY ambient music with the twisted fervor of renegade noise freaks in the late 2000s. After a slew of limited run lysergic sprawls, “Does It Look Like I’m Here?” stood in stark contrast with its succinct, dialed-in structures. Remastered by Heba Kadry, including 7 bonus tracks exclusive to the digital album and CD. Available via #GhostlyInternational, August 25th. https://emeralds.bandcamp.com/album/does-it-look-like-im-here-2
#upcoming #ghostlyinternational
#Ogle #WoodfordHalse
#TheAdvisoryCircle #cafekaput #LoRecordings
#BoozooBajou #woodchamber
#MassimoEMassimo #SuperspectrumMusicLibrary
#Suryummy #ctatsupurr
#Caribou #CitySlang
#KILN #ghostlyInternational
#TheHarmonySociety #ATARecords
#ogle #woodfordhalse #ninjoibeats #Stellarays #sphontik #belburypoly #thetwelvehourfoundation #theadvisorycircle #CafeKaput #lorecordings #boozoobajou #woodchamber #okinawalifestyle #stevecobby #MassimoEMassimo #superspectrummusiclibrary #sebastientellier #suryummy #ctatsupurr #billycole #anotherfineday #TheBadPlus #caribou #cityslang #kiln #ghostlyinternational #theharmonysociety #atarecords #modulgeek #carmenvillain #zero7 #newstatemusic #eruschav
#Music #Moog #MortGarson #Plantasia #Brooklyn #BrooklynBotanicGarden #DFAM #BanaHaffar #Patricia #GhostlyInternational
#music #moog #mortgarson #plantasia #brooklyn #brooklynbotanicgarden #dfam #banahaffar #patricia #ghostlyinternational
Plantasia at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden
#Music #Moog #MortGarson #Plantasia #Brooklyn #BrooklynBotanicGarden #DFAM #BanaHaffar #Patricia #GhostlyInternational #AtlasObscura #AdrienneAdar #Kirlian #SacredBones
#sacredbones #music #moog #mortgarson #plantasia #brooklyn #atlasobscura #adrienneadar #brooklynbotanicgarden #dfam #banahaffar #patricia #ghostlyinternational #kirlian
WTF is it going to take to get some of these lables off of twitter and over to mastodon?
#GhostlyInternational #NinjaTune I'm looking you!
#ghostlyinternational #ninjatune