I've been putting some hours into #GhostSong and, while enjoying it, I think several of the design choices clash among them and leave the game with an identity crisis of sorts.
It wants to be part atmospheric, part souls-like, part open to exploration, part linear... And ends up a bit in the middle of nowhere.
And still, an enjoyable experience carried mostly by stylish hand-drawn graphics and a super evocative and eerie audio department.
Drake AI - Heart On My Sleeve ft. The Weeknd AI (Official Music Video) #ghostsong
It's a #ghostsong because it was 'created' by the digital ghost of a sentient being.
Ghost Song llegará en formato físico para PlayStation y Nintendo Switch
#IndieGames #Noticias #GhostSong #HumbleGames #Meridiemgames #metroidvania #OldMoon
#indiegames #noticias #ghostsong #humblegames #meridiemgames #metroidvania #oldmoon
#GhostSong is a gorgeous #metroidvania with some souls-like mechanics sprinkled in. While it isn’t perfect, it’s still a great experience, especially with some tweaks on the #SteamDeck!
Thank you to Humble Games for providing a copy for us to review!
#ghostsong #metroidvania #SteamDeck
Continuing Ghost song! https://youtu.be/UhIeomjsTas
#vtuber #envtuber #vtuberuprising #ghostsong
Played a bit of Ghost Song last night after seeing @9th_Sage sing it’s praises.
I really dig the art style and tone. It’s moody and gloomy and wonderful. Movement feels pretty solid, too, so I think I’ll like it a lot.
On the other hand, I hit “where am I supposed to go” faster than any other Metroidvania.
#gaming #xbox #metroidvania #gamepass #ghostsong #videogames
#gaming #xbox #metroidvania #gamepass #ghostsong #videogames
Ghost Song is so good, I'm really into it. It also is making me say things to myself that sound like madness, like 'Oh good, the flesh-wall is gone!' or 'Last time I went to see the elevator lady the flowers were in a different spot, that's weird'
(it's a very Metroid inspired game but absolutely has it's own flavor I would say)
My main game for a long time now has been #PUBG on #Xbox. Tried out the new #Warzone last night and didn't hate it.
Also want to check out #Pentiment, and started playing #GhostSong.
#PUBG #xbox #warzone #pentiment #ghostsong
Estrenamos nueva Red social con la reseña de #GhostSong #xboxgamepass #Xbox #VideojuegosLopeor
#ghostsong #xboxgamepass #xbox #videojuegoslopeor
Senza dimenticare #GhostSong, devo dire che è una grande settimana per il Pass. Sia la scorsa che la prossima. #GamePass #GiochiSegreti
#giochisegreti #GamePass #ghostsong
Holy crap. I was already more excited than I really should have been considering it was a long overdue Kickstarter project, but #GhostSong has actually lived up to my personal hype and then some!
Game plays nice and tight with the graphics being superb, but most of all I am in love with the music, sound design, and overall ambience in general. Matt White has truly made something special here, and I am hype to see it through to its end.
#ghostsong #indiegaming #kickstarter #metroidvania #SteamDeck #gaming