I liked an Instagram ad for the first time. It's a preview of the new season of #GhostsUS
I'm really enjoying the US version of Ghosts (though the original reigns supreme).
The first couple of episodes seemed really crammed; it seemed like they were copying the original, but with less time to develop each episode. But after that, we've met the (different) ghosts, and I've really enjoyed them.
#ghosts #ghostsUS #GhostsCBS
Today’s cultural intake
Morning amble soundtrack #Juju by Siouxie and the Banshees, still a dazzling piece of wonder
Mainly TMS for the morning, then Everything was Forever by #SeaPower
Podcast #Tailenders celebrating 5 years, and #TheWitchFarm which was really creepy
Telly #GhostsUS (funny) #KarenPirie (intriguing) and #GangsOfLondon (absolutely brutal, stunningly so)
#juju #seapower #Tailenders #thewitchfarm #ghostsus #karenpirie #gangsoflondon
I’m a big fan of Ghosts, so I was interested to watch the US version.
So far am enjoying it. It’s fun, got great actors & has managed to keep the essence of the original.
Should I risk a look?
#ghosts #ghostsUS
Watched #GhostsUS last night. I don't want to be all 'original was better' but some of these characters make no sense. The 'Viking' and Native American both talk with modern accents. Why would the young Wall Streeter have died in a house owned by an old lady - and why does he have to have no underwear on?
Anyway, the original is better.
#BBCiPlayer has now made available the first season of #GhostsUS (or #CBSGhosts), and I have to say that it's actually extremely good. On par with #GhostsUK (or #BBCGhosts) - albeit with a bigger budget, and more episodes.
A part of me hopes for US-UK crossover episode(s) at some point. How? Who knows.
#BBCIplayer #ghostsus #cbsghosts #ghostsuk #bbcghosts
Any UK based fans of #BBCGhosts cottoned on to the fact that the American version #GhostsUS is currently available on iPlayer? It's nowhere near as bad as you might expect.
#bbcghosts #ghostsus #patronisingbrit