Enjoyed the cute little VN prequel to Ghostwire tonight, with its not entirely unexpected twist ending.
Also tried out Disney Speedstorm, which sure is pretty and has some fun racing, but also has such a completely bewildering array of currencies for upgrades and star levels and other stuff so that I may just give up on it.
#Gaming #ps5 #ghostwire #disneyspeedstorm
Ghostwire: Tokyo ya está disponible en Xbox Series X|S y Xbox Game Pass junto a la actualización «hilo de araña»
#Noticias #BethesdaSoftworks #Ghostwire:Tokyo #Hilodearaña #TangoGameworks #Xbox
#noticias #bethesdasoftworks #ghostwire #hilodearana #tangogameworks #xbox
Anunciados los próximos juegos en llegar a Xbox Game Pass
#Noticias #Ghostwire:Tokyo #LoopHero #Xbox #XboxGamePassUltimate
#noticias #ghostwire #loophero #xbox #xboxgamepassultimate
Ghostwire: Tokyo anuncia una actualización con contenido extra y un nuevo modo de juego
#Noticias #Actualización #BethesdaSoftworks #Elhilodelaaraña #Ghostwire:Tokyo #Xbox
#noticias #actualizacion #bethesdasoftworks #elhilodelaarana #ghostwire #xbox
With that, we come to my first annual top ten games of the year.
These are not necessarily games that released this year, but they're games I played for the first time this year, and really connected with:
10. Dorf Romantik
9. House Flipper
8. Discolored
6. Deathloop
5. Outriders
4. Disney Dreamlight Valley
3. Chorus
2. Hardspace Shipbreaker
1. Ghostwire Tokyo
#Ghostwire is the biggest surprise on this list, because I'd watched the trailer, found it bizarrely confusing, then bought it on a late night impulse, and I *keep* going back to it.
It's the game I kept thinking about when I've been plowing through my Steam list over the past few days. #Gaming
Sorrel Kerr-Jung’s favorite games of 2022
https://www.destructoid.com/sorrel-kerr-jungs-favorite-games-of-2022/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sorrel-kerr-jungs-favorite-games-of-2022 #TheStanleyParable:UltraDeluxe #First-PersonShooter #Metal:Hellsinger #VampireSurvivors #ghostwire:tokyo #Immortality #CardShark #EldenRing #NeonWhite #Signalis #Action #Horror #Indie #Lists #NORCO
#TheStanleyParable #First #Metal #VampireSurvivors #ghostwire #Immortality #CardShark #EldenRing #NeonWhite #Signalis #Action #horror #indie #Lists #NORCO
Hoy fui a recoger la taza de cumpleaños 🎂 de @VideojuegosGAME (gracias como siempre 😉) y no pude evitarlo, le tenía echao el ojo y ya esta en casa, #Ghostwire será el próximo juego junto con el #DoNotOpen se viene vicio del bueno...
RT @DanCasey@twitter.com
#Ghostwire looks rad as hell, but I have one important question: can I pet the dog? #BE3 #E3