No list is perfect.
Glad to see the inclusion of many I admire.
Next time, leave an empty spot acknowledging the faceless/nameless data workers & ghost workers on whose labor the entire AI infrastructure is built.
No one (group) is more influential than them.
#mastodon #ai #labor #work #ghostwork #dataWork
@cstross We know the CIA funded the Iowa Writer's Workshop through a front organization called the Farfield Foundation, and recruited foreign writers sympathetic to the State's strategic values. They influenced the literary style and content of the workshop, promoting their ideological preferences as part of a larger strategy to advance State Department interests.
So, it's probably something more like that, maybe involving #ghostwork content farms or vote brigading.
Il lato oscuro dell'#IntelligenzaArtificiale vede il coinvolgimento di numerose persone costrette a lavorare in condizioni di disagio, con salari bassissimi e senza alcuna tutela.
Un aspetto che dovremmo tenere in considerazione quando ci esaltiamo di fronte a sistemi come #ChatGPT o similari.
#Etica #Lavoro #IA #Economia #AI #MachineLearning #gigeconomy #sharingeconomy #crowdsourcing #microjobber #clickworker #crowdworker #ghostwork
#intelligenzaartificiale #chatgpt #etica #lavoro #ia #economia #ai #machinelearning #gigeconomy #sharingeconomy #crowdsourcing #microjobber #clickworker #crowdworker #ghostwork
I want to live in a world where #ghostwork & data work is just work-- gets valued, acknowledged, and compensated as such.
One where we recognize the labor of those who build the #AI infrastructure-- the roads for us to drive the cars.
What's ghost work?
What can we do about it?
Check out Gray and Suri's wonderful book on this.
Image source: time magazine
«But the idea of superintelligent machines with their own agency and decision-making power is not only far from reality — it distracts us from the real risks to human lives surrounding the development and deployment of AI systems. While the public is distracted by the specter of nonexistent sentient machines, an army of precarized workers stands behind the supposed accomplishments of artificial intelligence systems today.»
#AI #GenerativeAI #Google #Bard #Microsoft #ContentModeration #Fauxtomation #GhostWork #WageSlavery: "There’s a certain cruel irony in the fact that as the highest-profile technology in years makes its debut, the ones best suited to keep it on the rails are also the most precarious at the companies that need them. That’s no accident. A chatbot is a sort of magic trick; for the illusion to work properly, the assistants curled up inside the box must remain hidden from the audience, their contribution unremarked.
While Google and Microsoft want you to forget that they exist, for the workers, forgetting doesn’t come so easily."
#ai #generativeAI #google #bard #microsoft #contentmoderation #fauxtomation #ghostwork #wageslavery
Deep Learning: precarious workers label data to train the models Large Language Models: model training is self-supervised, but precarious workers label data for the system that detects where the self-supervised model is sadistic and hateful 🤯
#chatgpt #precarity #ai #hatespeech #ghostwork
#chatgpt #precarity #ai #hatespeech #ghostwork
Toxicity was a major problem for GPT-3. If you've used ChatGPT, you may have noticed that it's relatively decent at avoiding toxicity. Is it because of some magical AI trick?
Not really. So what was it? 👇
#ChatGPT #AI #ghostwork #ResponsibleAI #ML #OpenAIChatGPT
#openaichatgpt #ml #responsibleai #ghostwork #AI #chatgpt
When we marvel at #AI advances, let us also reflect -- what type of labor made this possible? Was it exploitative?
Much like massive physical monuments were built off the backs of exploited people, the massive digital models are often not that different.
#ChatGPT #AI #ghostwork #datawork #labor #ResponsibleAI #ML #gpt3
#ai #chatgpt #ghostwork #dataWork #labor #responsibleai #ml #gpt3
If you've used ChatGPT, you may have noticed that it's relatively decent at avoiding toxicity. Is it because of some magical AI trick?
Not really.
The real heroes are the ghostworkers who have worked tirelessly to detect toxicity in text containing "child sexual abuse, bestiality...torture, self harm, and incest" (many of which are illegal by US laws).
How much were they paid for this mentally scarring task?
#ChatGPT #AI #ghostwork #datawork #labor #ResponsibleAI #ML #gpt3
#chatgpt #ai #ghostwork #dataWork #labor #responsibleai #ml #gpt3
When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, there's often very little that's artificial about it.
From the #ghostwork that creates the datasets to the datawork and human labor of setting up and maintaining the infrastructure, a lot of it is deceivingly human-powered.
#ghostwork #ai #HCI #work #labor
Two of my favorite authors together on a podcast => and talking about #ghostWork, the ghost economy👀
One of the most important books to read right now. #ghostwork