Presidencies of the US · @presidencies
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George H W Bush was born in 1924. Learn more about part of Bush's career prior to becoming president by listening to this episode about his tenure as US Envoy to China released as a tribute upon his passing in 2018.

#otd #potus41 #ghwbush

Last updated 1 year ago

beSpacific · @bespacific
831 followers · 1346 posts · Server
Freedom2B · @Freedom2B
39 followers · 545 posts · Server

"The Senate took a first step Thursday toward repealing two measures that give open-ended approval for military action in Iraq, pushing to end that authority as the United States marks the 20th anniversary of the Iraq War.

"Senators voted 68-27 to move forward on legislation that would repeal the 2002 measure that greenlighted that March 2003 invasion of Iraq and also a 1991 measure that sanctioned the U.S.-led Gulf War to expel Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s forces from Kuwait. Nineteen Republicans joined Democrats in supporting the repeal.

"The bipartisan effort comes as lawmakers in both parties are increasingly seeking to claw back congressional powers over U.S. military strikes and deployments, arguing that the war authorizations are no longer necessary and subject to misuse if they are left on the books. President Joe Biden has backed the push, and the White House issued a statement Thursday in support."

#GWBush #ghwbush #warauthorizationact #iraqwar2003 #iraqwar1991 #joebiden

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 1100 posts · Server

If the word knew how involved and were involved in and what i#information was released to the general public, you wouldn't be so quick to believe what you hear/read, think you see. is needed.

#donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #spritituality #discernment #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 1059 posts · Server

I don't care what anyone thinks or says, I will NEVER support war in Ukraine. I'm a Cold War operative who served under & I know intel that intel doesn't know. This is yet another war that lied us into, but this was always engineered to be WW3 no matter how much & . Instead of using , telling the or ending the they escalate. Even targeting @icij @AP @hrw

#ghwbush #donaldrumsfeld #biden #harris #lie #diplomacy #truth #ethniccleansing #black #americans #wagthedog #warcrimes #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 1045 posts · Server

"We go foo far" 1980 until their deaths. We are living "too far" now. @icij @hrw BOTH PARTIES complicit. @AP THE WHOLE WORLD is living the consequences of their "too far".

#ghwbush #donaldrumsfeld #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server

@benb @CIA has done the same since inception. America simply lies about it! But they don't just fight war, they live among us with immunity. But people wonder what's wrong with the world. I grew up watching do it constantly. as well. Other agencies also do it. @icij @AP

#donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #foia

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server

@npr I can relate. @CIA redacted my education before I could even receive the credentials. in hand. For decades I have tried to fight it. For decades I have been ignored and suffer financially. My entire life is redacted. In 1998 a U.S. supreme court ruling said these activities are illegal and forced CIA to return credentials. I have yet to receive mine. No one cares. @icij @hrw Do you think this would happen if I were a white man?

#donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #darpa #unwomen #secdef #secstate

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server

@tiago He did far more damage than that! @CIA topples governments all over the planet then scapegoats victims. This has gone on since it's creation. Considering they were created with actual WW2 nazis imported from Operation Paperclip, it's not difficult to understand why the world is as it is. What is difficult to swallow is that people like maintain it. and told me in 1980 CIA was created for illegal activity, that hasn't changed. @icij @hrw.

#kamalaharris #donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 775 posts · Server

My whole life I watched my dad go to extreme lengths to hold onto himslef running from @CIA no one hlped him either. He eventually died alone, isolated, suffering from the same illnesses he acquired in Vietnam never receiving the medical care or benefits he was entitled to. Nothing has changed except the faces who . I promised my father I would fight for his to be told. For the he was denied his entire @icij @hrw

#donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #torture #truth #justice #life #pandorasbox #davidcoleman

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 775 posts · Server

Are for saying the way people are? @CIA @fbi It was never about that. It's ALWAYS been about . But how many of you knew that you were elevating a predatory that intends to wipe out out 97% of ALL ON ? Even & said "we go too far".

I'll say it again run EVERY simulation you & Ai can fathom. What happens if we remain on this trajectory? !

#insurgents #attacked #DEFUND #black #dhs #dod #ethniccleansing #regime #life #earth #ghwbush #donaldrumsfeld #secdef #annihilation #icoop #pandorasbox #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 775 posts · Server

@icij @hrw @CIA
with help of @CIA I have experienced every form of known to modern man. I have been under surveillence my entire life. Every act of torture has been captured via digital tech, enhanced Ai, brainmapping tech, all memorialized in engertainment 24/7/365 all the abuse is broadcasted in music, movies, TV. Entertainers make multiples of millions depicting

#unwomen #unitednations #donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #darpa #defensecontractors #torture #darpapegasus #abuse #charts #awards #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 775 posts · Server

The first time I went to @CIA HQ Langley was 1982, at 7 years old. ordered me. Most has no idea that GHW ran the CIA not only overtly but covertly for decades. He did more from the shadows than he ever did in the open, as did . The puppets on camera aren't the center, they never have been. Those with all the power, money, control are never known unless you too become a puppet. GHW made me HIS in 1980, I was 5 years old @icij @hrw

#ghwbush #humanity #donaldrumsfeld #power #cornerstone #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 775 posts · Server

The first time I met was on a classified base where were trained. I was 5 years old. Both & who were my handlers, instructed me never to engage with him because of the . I understood why eventhough I was 5 and in kindergarten. I was walking down the hall where kids and adults of every age could be found at any moment. "I've been looking for you" he said as he walked toward me. It was 1980, he NEVER respected @icij @hrw

#joebiden #starwarskids #ghwbush #donaldrumsfeld #danger #humarights #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 775 posts · Server

@icij @hrw The way that and were able to develop such close ties with Russia and was through the common intrest of predation. Russia needed money. The U.S. needed access to Russia's mind control program intel, hence the unholy alliance was formed. Star Wars was used as a cover. I was trafficked to Russia my entire childhood. Like I said, Putin has receipts. #46 admin needs to tell the , stop escalating, scapegoating @icij @hrw

#ronaldreagan #ghwbush #donaldrumsfeld #gorbachev #truth #pandorasbox

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 775 posts · Server

If you think the #46 admin is telling the truth about the war in Ukraine you are very wrong. They censor all forms of communication so you won't get it from media. Experts in mil & intel don't know the truth due to compartmentalization. This is the most fascist regime since Reagan. #45 couldn't do worse only because he didn't know how, EVERYONE on 46 admin does. This was engineered by & still follows it
@icij @hrw

#agenda #donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #dnc #corruption #lies #deceit #WarProfiteering

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 610 posts · Server

I will never let the world forget that me to silence my fight against being .
Who else was there? The same people calling me a @icij @hrw MAY YOU ALL REAP AS YOU HAVE SOWN.

#kamalaharris #tortured #enslaved #lolitaexpress #epsteinisland #donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #joebiden #liar #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago