🎸Check out "Guitar Hero World Tour Definite Edition" if you still have those plastic instruments around, or just like rhythm games. https://ghwt.de
#ghwtde #guitarhero
🎸Check out "Guitar Hero World Tour Definite Edition" if you still have those plastic instruments around, or just like rhythm games. I've played clone hero but it always felt janky to me.
#ghwtde #guitarhero
playing #GHWTDE and i occasionally forget that i named my band "fuck" until shit like this happens
RT @Yic17@twitter.com
BEST OF YOU (Foo Fighters) ft. Mass Effect Characters
Full Performance @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTlGTi2djy0
#MassEffect #MassEffectLegendaryEdition #Liara #Garrus #Tali #Wrex #GuitarHero #GHWTDE
#masseffect #MassEffectLegendaryEdition #liara #garrus #tali #wrex #guitarhero #ghwtde