Hopeloos dat kort geding moet. Gebruik de summiere loonsverhoging (inflatiecompensatie) #zorgpersoneel níét als stok om mee te slaan. Neem liever vastgeroeste & onnodig dure managementstructuren & -functies over de hele linie op de schop. En haal de markt uit de zorg. ❤️🩹 #ghz
🗞 Paniek in de directiekamers #zorginstellingen: geld voor #ouderen en #gehandicapten raakt op, ‘situatie nijpend’
https://www.gelderlander.nl/home/paniek-in-de-directiekamers-zorginstellingen-geld-voor-ouderen-en-gehandicapten-raakt-op-situatie-nijpend~a6841b5e/ (prem.)
#gehandicapten #Ouderen #zorginstellingen #ghz #zorgpersoneel
Here's an #introduction of @frederikhahn as part of my agenda that #nice should be a characteristic demanded of academics.
In the past few years Freddy has been gently cracking his head on how to remove bottlenecks in a #quantumNetwork. He focused on relevant #quantum states and tweaked their parts like he tweaks parts in his bike to make it run seamlessly
(Local complementations interest me for #quantumCompiling: the unitary encoding the repetition code can be turned into a gate between any two qubits because one can distill Bell pairs out of #GHZ states.)
Rick came from Berlin to the #quantumInformation #workshop in #benasque by train. His tap water canister was half empty: he realized that meh whatev he can travel half Europe and not eat if the food is not what he wants provided he has water to last him even more than 24 hs.
Frederik is a scientist who leads by example, is sustainably concerned about the #climateCrisis but look at him shining. His #intermittentFasting skills allowed him to be chilled after a strainous long distance travel but I learn from him that being nice and chilled is a muscle we can all train.
His integrity at work reminds me that it's not impossible to keep our humanity first and also excell at research. I wish we had an equivalent of #citationMetrics for acts of kindness in academia.
These photos were taken on a Friday, on Monday that week he defended his thesis. In style, which is his style. For his #phd hat I'd add a phone charger, his daily cycling suffices to top up the battery. I don't know how to symbolize my thanks for having made my local science world wholesome, one #introvert thought at a time, but: thank you for caring, Dr Hahn!
#citationmetrics #introvert #phd #intermittentfasting #climatecrisis #benasque #workshop #quantuminformation #ghz #quantumcompiling #quantum #quantumnetwork #nice #introduction
FNV: Dankzij actie GHZ-medewerkers uitnodiging tot onderhandelen
De werkgevers in de gehandicaptenzorg (VGN) willen weer met de vakbonden om tafel om te praten over een nieuwe cao GHZ. De uitnodiging kwam nadat donderdag 25 mei honderden medewerkers deelnamen aan een landelijke manifestatie in Utrecht. Hierbij overhandigden ze een petitie die in twee weken tijd d
#WmoWLZ #ZorgWerk #GHZ
So how was your Friday evening? 🙂
I spent mine testing a HMC588 VCO module and a couple mixers: mission was to extend my measurement reach to cover x-band, aka 10ish GHz ☺️
After a quick DC test without the VCO board blowing up, I moved on to test two mixers: a ‘Magnum Microwave’ 4-12GHz and a LTC5549 based device, good to 14GHz.
All went well, those two peaks are at 10 and 11GHz so my spectrum analyzer extender setup works just fine 👍🏼🎯
#hamr #hamradio #electronics #rfengineer #electronicsengineering #siglent #ghz #highfrequency
#hamr #hamradio #electronics #rfengineer #electronicsengineering #siglent #ghz #highfrequency
Ik hoorde dat het ziekenhuis in Gouda, #ghz, er veel patiënten liggen op de longafdeling en de verpleging er druk mee heeft. Ook het RS virus bij kinderen heerst nu.
Top Crypto Gainers And Losers Today with volume> US$50,000 in the last 24 hours
Top #Gainers
#GHZ 15.79%
#STX 13.95%
#ALGO 12.05%
#AR 10.25%
#LDO 7.77%
Top #Losers
#TWT 13.02%
#HNT 8.73%
#XCN 2.83%
#DCR 1.78%
#CSPR 1.68%
#updates #market #cryptotrading #cryptocurrency #crypto #CSPR #DCR #XCN #HNT #twt #losers #ldo #ar #algo #stx #ghz #Gainers
@johndbro1 One more thing about this (I knew I'd read this somewhere, but it took me a while to track it down). There's been a fair amount of research on the "galactic habitable zone" (#GHZ), the range of times and places in our galaxy suitable for life. Here's a study setting limits based on metallicity and supernova activity.
fuckin around #nts1 #microfreak #ghz #procreat
#nts1 #microfreak #ghz #procreat