51 years ago:
Night of the Devils (IT,ES)
Original title: La notte dei diavoli
In this adaptation of Tolstoy's story the Wurdulak, a mentally ill patient known as Nicola flashes back to horrifying experiences that he encountered while driving through the country. Upon damaging his car, Nicola sets out for help, only to meet a mysterious family that lives in total fear of someo...
#NightoftheDevils #GianniGarko #AgostinaBelli #CinziaDeCarolis
#nightofthedevils #giannigarko #agostinabelli #cinziadecarolis
61 years ago:
Crazy Desire (IT)
Original title: La voglia matta
A middle-aged businessman meets a band of rowdy youths and is smitten by one, named Francesca.
#CrazyDesire #CatherineSpaak #GianniGarko #StelvioRosi #GisaRadicchiLevi #Film
#crazydesire #catherinespaak #giannigarko #stelviorosi #gisaradicchilevi #film
Body Puzzle (1992)
Body Puzzle rarely entertains and even has trouble maintaining interest along the way despite some fine performances and some brief moments of violence.
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #BodyPuzzle #ErikaBlanc #FrançoisMontagut #GianniGarko #JoannaPacula #LambertoBava #SusannaJavicoli #TomasArana
#tomasarana #susannajavicoli #lambertobava #joannapacula #giannigarko #francoismontagut #erikablanc #bodypuzzle #reviews #moviestuffs
Body Puzzle (1992)
Body Puzzle rarely entertains and even has trouble maintaining interest along the way despite some fine performances and some brief moments of violence.
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #BodyPuzzle #ErikaBlanc #FrançoisMontagut #GianniGarko #JoannaPacula #LambertoBava #SusannaJavicoli #TomasArana
#tomasarana #susannajavicoli #lambertobava #joannapacula #giannigarko #francoismontagut #erikablanc #bodypuzzle #reviews #moviestuffs