Went to #GiantFood and got Almond Breeze Extra Creamy Almond milk and two donuts from the bakery for only 20 cents because of coupons! Ha! That's a win!
Also, went to get blood lab work done. I wanted a urine sample. I looked at the order and didn't see anything for that, so I thought I was in the clear. Didn't have much to give. Not much I can do!
I wonder if they mixed it up. Because I do have an order from my nephrologist in the system that requires that, but that's for later in the year.
I ate a free donut from #GiantFood today. I think Giant has the best reward point program for grocery stores. I'm always redeeming my points for free stuff that I actually buy normally (bread, milk, eggs, meat).
#Lidl has a pretty weak reward points system, but they make up for it with their everyday low prices on just about everything.
#Safeway, with their Just For U coupons, has the best all around coupon deals.
I'm guessing that #GiantFood had to get rid of some rotisserie #chicken that wasn't selling, so they cut them up and packed up the parts. I bought this pack of 8 leg quarters for only $6 bucks! Normally, 8 pieces thigh/legs is $7.99, so this is 16 pieces for $6. Can't beat that with a stick!
They must have arbitrarily entered some numbers so the label would be $6, because the actual weight of all that chicken was 2.88 lbs.
I used 200 #GiantFood points to get a free package of chicken drumsticks. I don't normally build up 200 pts before they start expiring, but apparently I must have bought some items with bonus points and that got me over the 200 pt barrier.
I redeemed 200 pts from #GiantFood for free chicken. I think I'm going to pick chicken thighs over drumsticks. It depends, though, on which package weighs the most, LOL.
Supermarket robot escapes store
A robotic supermarket assistant made a great escape from a #Pennsylvania store.
Marty, a robot known to the regulars at the Giant Food in #Hellertown, decided to leave the store and head across the parking lot.
The tall, thin robot on wheels with "googly eyes" has been used by the store for several years. Its job is inside the store and usually consists of identifying spills or other hazards.
Giant Food Store started deploying robots in all 172 of its stores. This is the first known instance of a runaway robot.
A spokesperson for the supermarket told FOX5NY that "Marty was just getting a little fresh air."
#PA #Marty #GiantFood #ICantMakeThisStuffUp
#pennsylvania #hellertown #pa #marty #giantfood #icantmakethisstuffup
Well, that was a surprise. I bought #Safeway Signature Select Ice Cream (Neopolitan) because it was on sale for $1.99. The flavor is very weak. I can't taste much vanilla or strawberry. The chocolate is more bitter than chocolate. Very disappointing. Contrast this to #GiantFood store brand ice cream which has very good flavor in all 3 components of their Neopolitan ice cream. I wonder who makes it for Safeway?
Had not seen a digital coupon for a #freebie from #GiantFood for a while. But today got this free box of naan chips. #FreeFood