(2/2) Today, biological threat reduction measures are implemented by the Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology, the
@rki_de Robert-Koch-Institute, the
@loeffler_news Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, the @BNITM_de Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine, and the @giz_gmbh in 14 countries. In addition, two cross-regional projects #GIBACHT #GO4BSB focus on training and capacity building of scientists and researchers on a wide range of biological security topics.
Heute morgen auf dem Weg zur Arbeit leichter Schneefall...
... welchen Teil von dem Wetter "angepasste Geschwindigkeit" und "vorausschauende Fahrweise" verstehen viele Autofahrer nicht?
Besonders auf auffällig bei Fahrer von Fahrzeuge gewisser Marken aus dem süddeutschen Raum.
Our one-year #GIBACHT fellowship training on #Biosafety & #Biosecurity, funded by @AuswaertigesAmt starts again. Apply until 31.03. if you are a health professional from Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia or Eastern Europe.
#trainingalert #gibacht #biosafety #biosecurity