It's #TroglodyteTuesday on, presenting my version of the Gibbering Mouther, including three different sizes! #gibberingmouther #homebrewmonsters
#homebrewmonsters #gibberingmouther #TroglodyteTuesday
ICYMI, Yesterday was #TroglodyteTuesday on!
Presenting the Gibbering Troll, a trollish aberration that slakes off gibbering mouthers and is hard to kill. #trolls #homebrewmonsters #gibberingmouther #DnD5E #statblock
#statblock #dnd5e #gibberingmouther #homebrewmonsters #trolls #TroglodyteTuesday
It's #TroglodyteTuesday on!
Today we present the Gibbering Troll, a trollish aberration that slakes off gibbering mouthers and is hard to kill. #trolls #homebrewmonsters #gibberingmouther #DnD5E #statblock
#statblock #dnd5e #gibberingmouther #homebrewmonsters #trolls #TroglodyteTuesday
My wonderful artist, Nomi McLeod, has not yet drawn me an Abberation; I only recently asked her. But, I want to start my first Mastodon series: #101characters
So here's a pic from MM3.5 - what a beauty. #gibberingmouther lol
#loomofdoom #101characters #gibberingmouther