Not according to the tags I put on that one 😂
However, bonobos have been known to understand hundreds of hand signs, so possibly this one can communicate in a rudimentary sort of way.
#TruthSocial #Orange #moron #gibbon #bonobo
Apes Morphing GIF
Apes Gifs from the film:
Music "Colorful primates" by Karpa -
Music Karpa ❿ Drakre52 Film
#drakre52 #morphing #fauna #gorilla #monkeys #chimpanzee #orangutan #gibbon #animals #dieren #gif
#gif #dieren #animals #gibbon #orangutan #chimpanzee #monkeys #gorilla #fauna #morphing #drakre52
Just a zoom in on the principal curvature directions of Michelangelo's David's nose.
The left image represents the minimum curvature, the right image the maximum curvature.
Blue means negative curvature ("inward fold") while red is positive curvature ("outward fold").
For the nose, the least curvature is in the up/down direction, while the highest curvature is in the left/right direction.
Created using #GIBBON (
New demo added to #GIBBON, the Jansen linkage:
More information:
#gibbon #ComputationalMechanics #opensource #jansenlinkage
Gestern auf der Didacta gewesen - immer noch im #Bildungsflash. Meine Topps:
Neuentdeckung digital: #Eddilake
Netteste Stand: #Lauf-Rat
Bester Kaffee: #I-Serv
Skurrilster Stand: Bundesamt für Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung
Neuentdeckung Berufsschule: #Shaper
Entspannung: #Gibbon
Unverschämtheit: Kantinenpreise
Bestes Giva-Away: The Länd-Minilabor (sehr kleiner Kosmos, leider vergessen draufzuschreiben, um was es geht.)
Größte Gefahr: Lobbyismus
Gute Gespräche: Überall
#bildungsflash #eddilake #lauf #i #shaper #gibbon #fedilz #didacta
ベヨネッタのRTAを練習してPlanet Cubeの続きやって時間があれば猿の予定 #配信輪廻
Alleenstaande gibbon raakt zwanger van buurman door klein gaatje in muur
Wow... This is both interesting and truly sad.
Japanese zookeepers finally know how Momo the gibbon who lived alone had a baby - CNN
"The (DNA) test showed the father to be Itō, a 34-year-old agile gibbon, who was in an adjacent enclosure to Momo around the time she became pregnant.
The zoo told CNN on Friday it believed that Momo and Itō had managed to mate through a small hole in a steel plate between their enclosures. The hole measured about 9 millimeters (0.3 inch) in diameter."
This is just the tip of the iceberg of our cruelty to animals but it does put things in perspective that this animal lived in isolation, on display its whole life and found a way to secretly mate through a freaking improvised glory hole.
#animals #animalRights #captivity #gibbon #zoo #EveryThingIsTrash
#animals #animalrights #captivity #gibbon #zoo #everythingistrash
Indentation with a twist.
The rigid ball pushes into the rubber-like hyperelastic cube while also spinning. Friction then transfers torsional forces to the cube as well.
#opensource #GIBBON #FEBio #FiniteElementAnalysis
#opensource #gibbon #febio #finiteelementanalysis
Not surprised, but fascinating #discovery.
"Are humans the only apes capable of flexibly orchestrating #isochrony and #synchrony in their behaviour? To date, the joint presence of, and connection between, isochrony and synchrony in other mammals has never been found. Here we show the first #evidence for isochrony, #rhythmic flexibility mediated by co-singing, and synchrony in the #vocalizations of an #ape, the lar #gibbon."
#rhythm #song #biology #communication
#discovery #isochrony #synchrony #evidence #rhythmic #vocalizations #ape #gibbon #rhythm #song #biology #communication
"Singing gibbons found to be more rhythmic when performing duets"
"A team of researchers at the University of Turin, working with a colleague from the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and another from Aarhus University and The Royal Academy of Music, has found that the lar gibbon tends to be more isochronous (repeating notes more regularly) when singing as part of a duet with a member of the opposite gender. The research is published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences."
#evolution #community #gibbon #music #relationship
Been to Artis again. These gibbons were hugging.
#artis #artisnaturamagistra #gibbon #art #inkt #drawing #zoo #inkdrawing
#artis #artisnaturamagistra #gibbon #art #inkt #drawing #zoo #inkdrawing
Twisting a hyperelastic beam. Simulated using #FEBio and #GIBBON.
#opensource implementation: