'Variational Gibbs Inference for Statistical Model Estimation from Incomplete Data', by Vaidotas Simkus, Benjamin Rhodes, Michael U. Gutmann.
#variational #models #gibbs
Right now, chamber music from #Belfast: #Beethoven #Haydn #Field, Vaughan Williams #Boyle #Gibbs and #Maconchy https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/chamber_music_from_belfast_beethoven_haydn_field_vaughan_williams_boyle_gibbs_and_maconchy/74680/ #wch
#belfast #Beethoven #haydn #field #boyle #gibbs #maconchy #wch
In 20 minutes, chamber music from #Belfast: #Beethoven #Haydn #Field, Vaughan Williams #Boyle #Gibbs and #Maconchy https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/chamber_music_from_belfast_beethoven_haydn_field_vaughan_williams_boyle_gibbs_and_maconchy/74680/ #wch
#belfast #Beethoven #haydn #field #boyle #gibbs #maconchy #wch
Today, chamber music from #Belfast: #Beethoven #Haydn #Field, Vaughan Williams #Boyle #Gibbs and #Maconchy https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/chamber_music_from_belfast_beethoven_haydn_field_vaughan_williams_boyle_gibbs_and_maconchy/74680/ #wch
#belfast #Beethoven #haydn #field #boyle #gibbs #maconchy #wch
Also, I like #Columbo and #MurderSheWrote very much, but how can the list not mention #Gibbs, who was on #NCIS 18 seasons, six more than Murder, She Wrote's entire run?
#columbo #murdershewrote #gibbs #ncis
@pemar Ziemlich abruptes Ende von #Bull, wie ich finde! Bei #NavyCIS gab es inzwischen ja eh immer wieder Umwälzungen, wenn #Ducky, #Ziva, #Parker, #Gibbs usw. da ein- und ausgehen, wie sie wollen, warum nicht auch #Tony? Ich habe zwar jetzt noch keine Ahnung, wie die Sache mit Parker (#GaryCole) und seiner Ex-Frau (#TeriPolo) ausgeht, aber da ist Bewegung drin. #RobertWagner ist wie #RalphWaite auch immer wieder aufgetaucht, warum nicht auch sein Serien-Sohn #MichaelWeatherly?
#bull #NavyCIS #ducky #ziva #parker #gibbs #Tony #garycole #teripolo #RobertWagner #ralphwaite #michaelweatherly
George Fort #Gibbs is the archetypal Forgotten Author. He was a talented and well-respected artist and illustrator, and the author of almost fifty novels. His illustrations were featured in Cosmopolitan and the Saturday Evening Post. He created murals for Penn Station and Girard College in #Philadelphia. He created lovely portraits that were exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago and the #Corcoran Gallery. His #books were made into films.
Old blog post:
#gibbs #philadelphia #corcoran #books #bookstodon
Wie die Regel Nr. 39 von #Gibbs, dem #NavyCIS-Guru weiß:
Es gibt keine Zufälle.