¿Sabías que hay tres motivos por los que la ocupación británica de #Gibraltar es ilegal y debería devolverse a España? 🇬🇮 🇪🇸
Caleta Hotel Gibraltar
By Collin A Clarke ©
Here we go again ! In the thick of it on the #FlywayHighway here in The #Straits of #Gibraltar, our home among the #migratory flow near #Tarifa ! 😊
Join us for your own #FlywayBirding adventure!
#flywayhighway #straits #gibraltar #migratory #tarifa #flywaybirding
Results of the Fundación Migres · CIMA Centro Internacional de Migración de Aves #Program for monitoring the autumn migration of birds through The #Straits of #Gibraltar.
Over 60,000 #glorious #migratory soaring #Birds crossing The Straits !
Week from August 14 to 20, 2023 😊
#program #straits #gibraltar #glorious #migratory #birds #flywaybirding
Results of the Fundacion Migres Program for monitoring the autumn #migration of #Birds through The #Straits of #Gibraltar, week of August 7 to 13, 2023.
#migration #birds #straits #gibraltar #flywaybirding
http://edition.pagesuite.com/popovers/dynamic_article_popover.aspx?artguid=dc5b3463-2827-47be-87f1-1355b631bc39&appid=1206 Absolutely fascinating stuff from the real jewel in #Gibraltar's crown and they have yet to make the findings public TY @GibraltarMuseum @CliveFinlayson @GibGerry and the @LJMU team 🙌🏻🙏🏻
Biker Rally in Casemates Square, Gibraltar, in 2012. #Photography #PhotographyOnMastodon #Motorcycles #BikerRally #Gibraltar #CasematesSquare
#casematessquare #gibraltar #bikerrally #motorcycles #photographyonmastodon #photography
@caesar @Rhodium103 I haven’t heard of the #orcas attacking small boats. The few reported recently near #Scotland and #Gibraltar were yachts 🛥️, one of which was in a race of VERY expensive playthings of billionaires. 👉 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/orca-rams-into-yacht-near-scotland-behavior-may-be-spreading-180982429/
In any case, the hashtag #TeamOrcas is for shitposting against #WealthInequality and #BigOil fueling the #ClimateCrisis.
#orcas #Scotland #gibraltar #teamorcas #wealthinequality #bigoil #climatecrisis
Cette vengeance des #orques me fait un bien fou. J'avais raison de les aimer outre mesure pendant toute ma jeunesse 🖤 🤍
J'ai l'impression que fasse à la bêtise humaine se lève l'intelligence de la nature. Et j'aimerais qu'on, l'humanité, paie plus le prix de nos crimes, autrement que par un dérèglement climatique qui va tous nous engouffrer.
In the Strait of Gibraltar, the revenge of Gladis the orca.
Killer whale 'attacks' on sailboats in these waters have been increasing over the past three years. According to scientists, all the cetaceans involved in these incidents belong to the family of a female hit by a boat in 2020.
#Sailboats #killerwhale #orca #portugal #gibraltar #spain
👏🏻👏🏻 Les orques !
Dans le détroit de #Gibraltar, la vendetta de l’orque #Gladis
European pond turtles in the Gibraltar Botanical Gardens in 2012. #Gibraltar #Photography #PhotographyOnMastodon #Turtles #Wildlife
#wildlife #turtles #photographyonmastodon #photography #gibraltar
@TheEuropeanNetwork sadly another consequence of Brexit, as there is now no legal framework (under EU law) which ensures free movement of residents across the border.
Aware that 98% of those in Gibraltar voted Remain, but it makes the point that not all Project Fear was that, but rather reflected very real concerns some of which are turning to reality.
@davidallengreen #brexit #spain #gibraltar #pp #vox
#Brexit #Spain #gibraltar #pp #vox
The Rock and the hard right: Gibraltar fears the rise of Vox in today's Spanish election.
Talks on the border's status are still not resolved, and success for the nationalist party could lead to a far more hardline attitude.
#Gibraltar #Spain #UK #Politics #Elections #HardRight #FarRight #Nationalism #Nationalist #Border #Brexit
#Brexit #border #nationalist #nationalism #farright #hardright #Elections #Politics #UK #spain #gibraltar
https://www.lovenba.com/1114620/ Malta v Gibraltar | Full Basketball Game | FIBA U16 Women’s European Championship 2023 – Division C #20.07.2023 #Basketball #BasketballLiveStream #BasketballVideos #fiba #FIBAU16Women'sEuropeanChampionshipDivisionC #FIBAU16Women'sEuropeanChampionshipDivisionC2023 #FullGame #Gib #Gibraltar #Gibraltar(GIB) #LIVE #livestream #Malta #Malta(MLT) #MLT #MLTVGIB20.07.2023
#basketball #basketballlivestream #basketballvideos #fiba #fibau16women #fullgame #gib #gibraltar #live #livestream #malta #mlt #mltvgib20
A cross hatch engraving by a Neanderthal over 39 Kya in Gorham's Cave, #Gibraltar. This implies they were perhaps more creative than we had imagined.
But is it art?
Did Neanderthals create art?
Drs Geraldine & Clive Finlayson
Today, 11,500m above the Strait of Gibraltar #Europe #Africa #Gibraltar #Morocco
#morocco #gibraltar #africa #europe